Chapter 19; A Visit Gone Wrong

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Today is an exciting day, for today my friends will be showing up for a visit here in Manhattan! Applejack is also happy, because she gets to see all of her friends aswell. The only downside: we have to clean up the apartment 😑. *sigh* This is going to be hard. Applejack wakes me up, and I get ready. Then I walk downstairs and eat breakfast. Afterwards I clean the kitchen while Applejack cleans all of the bedrooms. After all of these things are done, we clean the living room and then we're finished. I hold her as we look around at how nice the house looks. Then I check the time and I panic because the train from CHS would be here any minute! "Oh, Applejack we must be going! The train must be arriving now!" I say. We bolt out the door, locking it very quickly. Then we run to the train station in a flash (no pun intended) and as soon as we get to the train terminal for my friend's train, I hear familiar hearty laughing. "Took you long enough!" I hear Twilight say while Burning Flame laughs as he sees us. He has his arm around Rainbow Dash, however I know they got back together, yet there is a difference about him. Oh, it's his cutie mark! "Burning Flame, what happened to your old cutie mark?" I ask. He stops laughing, then he looks at Rainbow and grins widely. She smiles back, then says "I'll tell you later." She then kisses him on the cheek, then looks back at us, smiling and blushing. "You know, I have just the way to break into you all being here, seeing as you all like to sing." I wink and we walk out of the station. Then I break out into song, singing "Oh Manhattan what you do to me, such a huge bustling community!" As I sing these words, I hear a guitar case open, the some tapping. I look back before continuing, and I smile at what I see. Flash has taken out his guitar, playing a backup tune to the one I am singing, and Burning Flame is tapping a drum beat on a suitcase. I smile because I feel happy to know that my friends will ' back me up ' when I need them. I continue on (I'm sure you all know this song) singing my song, up until I sing "Low and behold, you may just find, a smile is what you bring." At the end of this line, I look at Spike, Twilight's dog, and I see that he is quite hungry. (This would be the part where Rarity is talking to the hotel guy, but everyone is staying with Rarity and Applejack, so it would make no sense, at least in my mind, to have them stop at a hotel). I walk up to a hot dog vender and buy one and hand it to him. Twilight strings, thanks me, then Spike gulps it in one bite. I laugh, then continue singing. At one point we get onto a fairy boat so that we can go sight seeing. Applejack is ahead of me, however she says "After you," and lets me go first onto the boat. Then, while we are sailing, I start to shiver, and since A.J. brought a coat, she says "Here, take mine Sugar Cube." I kiss her cheek as a reward ,then the song continues. At one point, all of my friends sing too, each having their own solo. Then I finish off the song big and strong! Pinkie giggles. "That was fun!!" She exclaims, and I give a smile in her direction. Everyone chats, and I lean inside o Applejack. She puts her arm around me and sighs contentedly. Once we arrive at our apartment, Applejack unlocks the door and we walk inside. Everyone marvels at how good our apartment looks. Then we sit down for lunch and we talk about what's been happening in both places. Then I ask Rainbow again of what happened with Burning Flame's cutie mark. She blushes, then she tells us a recount of the event. "And so, his shirt flashed and bam! His cutie mark was what it is now! Isn't he just the most compassionate guy in the world?" Applejack and I marvel at this tale, seeing as no one that we know of has ever had that happen to them. By the time our little chat is finished, it's time for a little surprise that A.J. and I knew would make everyone happy. "So, we have surprises for everyone, " I start, Applejack getting up to stand next to me. "For the boys, we've organized a concert for ' Sentry 7 '. Y'all will be playing at the biggest concert hall in all of Manhattan!" Applejack finishes for me. Flame and Flash looked at each other, surprised. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Rarity and A.J.! You have no clue how much this means to us!!" Burning Flame says, getting up to hug us. "Now for my girls, we will be going to the boutique that I'm working for and we will get prepared for the night ahead of us!!" "What're we doing tonight?" "We're going to see the newest musical on Broadway, 'Wicked'! (If you guys haven't seen that musical it is absolutely the best musical there is) Everyone sequels, or at least all of the girls because Burning Flame was just sitting with a silly smile on his face. Rainbow Dash then says "Lets rock Manhattan!" And we all ad lib a 'yes' in response.

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