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My screams fill the living room.

"Babes I love this for you, but too early for screaming. Sleep then scream, mk?"

I whisper my apologies to Freya. Talia and I turn and give each other a look as if to scream "ohmygod"

All three of us end up falling asleep until we hear a loud clapping. We stumble around on top of one another until I slap Josh. "Too early."

"It's actually lunch time."

"What! Didn't decide to wake me up earlier?!" I scramble my brain together, remembering my interview at 2:00pm today.

I race to the bathroom, running dry shampoo through my hair. I quickly change to a snail speed when I do my mascara, I do not want to turn up looking like a punk rocker from the 80s.

Throwing clothes all over the floor, I finally find a cute but also says I'm smart outfit. Some skinny jeans, a white shirt and a beige jumper over the top.

Talia barges in with three different boxes of cereal. "We've got waffles too."

"Bitch pass me the waffles."

After finishing my waffles, I have half an hour before my interview. I check my phone to see the group chat has been spammed since I last saw. Mostly with congratulations and reminders today is a big day for me, but one other contact had messaged me privately.

Harry Lewis:

Can we talk, it won't be long. Better I do it on person.

Course. Stop by, I've got half an hour.

My mind is like a whisk, the electric one. Wizzing round, mixing everything, and in this case, my thoughts were everywhere. Splattered up the walls, the floor. What could he possibly need to say?

I didn't have to wait much longer as I hear a knock at the front door. I call that it's open, and I soaking wet Harry walks in. "Outside now. Freya will not like this."

He laughs and steps back outside. I follow him and shut the front door.

The hallway is quiet and our breaths can be heard echoing around. "Before I start, just don't hate me."

"How can I? I've already hated you like three times. My hate for you is all used up."

He gives me a weak smile. I place my hand on his shoulder and he looks away. "What is it?"

He takes a deep sigh. "We can't be friends anymore."

My eyes open wide, I was definitely awake now. Or was I dreaming?

"What?! Why? How-"

He silences me by patting me on the shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Cassie, she.."

"No I get it. She's more important. But you can't let her bloody control your every move."

I shake him off and open the apartment door, a single tear leaking from my eye like a busted pipe. "Sounds corny, but you haven't been checkmated you know? There are many other pieces to play."

I give him a nod as I slam the door shut, the last glimpse of Harry I have is his apologetic expression. The rest was blurry with tears.

He was different. Unlike the rest of the guys. He was someone If given a longer time, I could really confide with. But I already felt as though I'd known him for months. All that friendship, gone. Because of Cassie.

I wipe my tears as Freya comes to join me at the kitchen island. "Girl, you've got five minutes then we'll take you down there, you how you feeling?"

"Harry told me we can't be friends anymore."


Talia comes storming into the kitchen and violently opens a cupboard to get a glass. Freya snatches it off her before Harry became her target. "I only wanted a drink. Anyway, why would he do that?"

"Cassie," we all say at the same time.

"You guys had such chemistry. I was rooting for you guys."

"He's scared. He's being manipulated and controlled. Poor guy can't do anything, knowing her she'll report him for assault if he tries to leave her," Freya places a fresh glass of water in my hands.

"It sucks. Hopefully he finds the courage to stand up to her."

I nod without breaking eye contact with the glass in my hands.

It was in that moment; that I truly hated having human feelings.

I can't believe I have 14k omg! ty all who are still reading, means a lot seeing ur comments and makes me motivated to keep this going! there's still lots I can add so look forward to that!😽

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