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Thoughts flooded my brain, muddling up every piece of the puzzle I thought I had.

I download the film footage from the fortnite matches with Harry, Freya and Josh. It takes me so long to edit it, as I laugh remembering the fun we had and my dramatic hospital visit.

As soon as I edit it I check the time, it's almost 7pm. I grab a bag of crisps from the cupboard and rip open the bag, spilling a few on the floor. I sigh and kick them out of sight, feeling sneaky.

I walk back to my room, and sit back down at the setup Freya and Talia bought me. These girls were amazing. I decided to shoot them a group text.


yo guys tysm for my setup! defo gunna be using this 24/7!

Talia😜💅 anytime b!<3
Freya👀⭐️ can't wait to see your
first proper vid!

uploading soon!!!

I smile and hit upload on my YouTube when I finished editing. I check and see it already has two views. I love the girls so freaking much. I can't help but laugh at the fact I have friends who supported me, who would've guessed? I check my YouTube page to find it has 7k views already. It's a happy feeling. Very strange for me.


Freya👀⭐️ our video killed!!
Talia😜💅 it was hilarious!🤣


The support I get from the girls makes me want to post. I check the comments and all of them are saying how relatable me and Harry are or how they loved seeing me with the guys and girls. Apart from one.

she thinks now that she posted a video on her tragic life she's all famous, she needs to get her head out of her ass.

My rage decides to type a response, anger clouding my judgement.

@kelliwills replied to @willneistheloml stfu before I get my tragic life to stick reality so far up your arse you can't sit down. xox

I click send before I realise what was going to happen next.

Right on que, people begin to comment, most of them backing me up, a couple telling me it's only an opinion and I don't need to get angry. My blood boils. They can keep there opinions to themselves. I knew I shouldn't have posted that stupid video. This is what anger does do me.

Harry Lewis

I can't even begin with you

Harry: wtf have I done to you?!

If it weren't for your stupid comment on my past life, I would never have posted that video and wouldn't be receiving comments on how they think I'm a liar!

Harry: I told you I was sorry okay?
read 8:23pm

I clench my fists and try to calm myself down. It's one silly comment. Nothing compared to the support and people's lives I've changed. That helps me calm down, the realisation that I've helped people. One person's opinion shouldn't get to me, but it does. I want to apologise to Harry but can't seem to tell him.

My opinions on Harry were so complicated. One minute he was kind and talkative the next he would bring up his tough exterior and stiffen up. A bit like me I guessed.

I decide to just shut everything down and play some video games on the tv in the living room. I find Josh in there, already playing a game of Fifa. "Hey," I whisper, not wanting to distract him.

"Hey Kelli," Josh calls and I jump on the sofa next to him. "Wanna play?"

"Thought you weren't gunna ask," I rejoice and he hands me the other controller.

We begin to talk during our calm match, nothing like when I play with Harry. "So how are you so good at these games?" He questioned and I smirk.

"Not sure, but I think I was quite smart as a kid and picked things up really quickly, like I do in games. Unlucky for me I didn't pay much attention as I grew older," I sigh and keep playing.

"Well unlike you with your smarts, I have my lucky Lego figure," Josh laughs as he pulls it out of his pocket. "Always keep it with me," he says, looking at the little farmer with jet black hair, matching beard and some checkered top and beige trousers.

"Looks a lot like you," I realise.

"I told myself I would grow a beard when I was younger," he chuckles.

"I remember my brother was obsessed with Lego too, playing it almost every day. He probably had that character, looks sort of familiar. He had too many to recall."

"Well I'd love to meet him," Josh smiles.

If I knew his name and what he looked like now I would love to as well.


"Trust me, okay?" Freya giggles as she opens the car door.

I had nearly forgotten about Freya's 'surprise'. I trusted her so went along with it.

I close my eyes, not wanting to ruin the surprise.

I hear voices, lot's of them, as Freya stops the car, helping me out. "Okay open your eyes now," she squeals, and I gasp.

"Omg you got me a spot in the
latest sidemen video!!"

I'd been dying to listen first hand to the guy's suspected awful pick up lines, and I hug Freya and jump up and down In excitement. I try to contain my thrills, but I'm buzzing and pushed onto a chair to calm down.

But when I see Harry, the look on his face telling me he wasn't happy to see me and I remember what I had said to him during my upset stage, feeling a huge weight thrown onto my shoulders.

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