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I knew I shouldn't have stayed up all night, and it being 2:00pm and still hadn't eaten today. I looked over at Harry to see his eyes fluttering open, and I blush and look away, pretending I had also just woken up.

"Late night I see?" I smirk as he waves me to shush. I giggle and he groans, going to turn the volume down on his phone.

"Don't chat to me right now," He slurs as the words leave his mouth. I can't help smile at his hoarse voice, but blush as he notices.

I tell Harry I'm going to go grab some food, and he quickly nods, his eyes darting to something in his room, and he stuffs his phone under his pillow. I shrug and go to open the door, when I hear a muffled conversation.

"What are you doing? Why are you hiding your phone?"

It's Cassie. I groan at her squeaky, annoying voice. "It's nothing," Harry croaks.

"I know your hiding something, just bloody show me!" She snatches the phone from under Harry's pillow, the anger evident in her tone.

"Why are you on FaceTime to her?!" I can feel my fists clenching.

"We were just calling, why is that a big deal?" Harry trying his hardest not to raise his voice.

"Because I'm your girlfriend, and I'm the only girl you should be calling!" She demands, and I feel a pang of sympathy for Harry. She's controlling him and I don't know what to do. "I thought you loved me Harry? I thought I was the only one you needed?, not some homeless skank."

"You are. I'm sorry. I love you," Harry says, and I feel my nails dig into my palms, I wince in pain and try regain calmness.

"Good. Now come on, I wanna go shopping today," She says maliciously. She hangs up the phone and my room goes silent.

I storm into the kitchen and grab a glass, slamming it on the table, not realising the force I used and the waters splatters everywhere. This girl isn't who she says she is, but how do I convince Harry?

"Good morning, or shall I say afternoon, to you too," Josh laughs. I jump back, holding my hand to my heart.

"Jesus, Josh. I've just woken up!"

"I can see that," He laughs and so do I. "You alright?"

I sigh. "No not really. Cassie found me and Harry on FaceTime and went off at him. I don't know what he sees in her, she's a right witch. He didn't even fight back, he just apologised and that was it."

"It's his life, he seems happy so we just let him go with the flow. This way he'll learn and grow, and that's what we want with Harry," Josh replies and I laugh.

"Sorry you sound so mature compared to everyone else. Your right, but she still shouldn't be stopping him from talking to me."

"Remember she is his girlfriend. Girls sometimes do get a little defensive."

I nod, and go to find a paper towel to mop up my mess. While I'm letting the puddles soak up into the paper, I start to let my mind wonder, wonder about my past life, I wonder about my future, and most of all, I wonder how I can help Harry Lewis.


"You have to come, pretty please?!" Talia's voice booms through the speaker, echoing around my room. She pleads me until I can't say no anymore, and she claps her hands in delight. "It's only a little gathering, just the boys, me, you and Freya and a couple of their mates. Celebrate the Sidemen's success."

"I'm coming, I'm coming. What time is it at?"

"Five minutes. Make yourself presentable."


I brush down any creases on my black dress and stare into the bathroom mirror. I wanted to make a decent impression, even if it was a 'small gathering' in Talia's words. I knew I was in for a bigger something than that. I had never worn a dress in my life, and the more I stared at myself, the more I wanted to take it off. But my hair looked nice, and didn't want to mess it up. I laughed at my only worry at the moment was my hair. I was going to enjoy this gathering, and I was going to go in with style.

I grabbed my phone and slipped on some white air forces and my green jacket.

The cold breeze instantly brought a chill through my bare body, pulling my jacket closer together to keep warm. I held up the directions that Talia had texted me, and waited for my Uber to pick me up.

After a few minutes of standing around and shivering, I was glad to be in the heated Uber and on my way to the party.

It turned out it was at Cal, Freezy and Harry's place, I didn't happen to know the address. I thanked the driver and hopped out, a small spring in my step as I was in for a night of fun.

As I walked up the stairs my mind was focused on finding the closest alcohol and just letting myself loose. I deserved it. I slowly walked up the steps and took a deep breath before opening the front door.

Soon enough I was engulfed with the loud music and endless talking, I covered my ears as I tried to adjust. "You made it!" Talia shrieks, and I wince at the volume. "Sorry, forgot you weren't used to many parties. Soon change that!" And before I can argue, she takes my hand and guides me to the place I'd been wanting to go.

The drinks table.

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