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When Harry is feeling better, I take him into my room and let him change his top. I find a baggy blue and pink striped Adidas top and hand it to him. He takes off his shirt and puts on mine.

I can't help but blush. I try to turn my attention to something other than Harry's body. That wasn't a problem though when he got stuck, tangled in my shirt. I unraveled him and pulled the shirt down, laughing at him struggle.

I smile at him and open the door for him to come out. I follow him out and we still find JJ, more drunk, still singing.

Harry turns to face me. "This shirt is a little small."

"Well you are a bit bigger than me," I laugh.

"Would be better if it was the other way round then," he smiles. He then walks off to grab another drink, I just shake my head in disappointment.

"Very suspicious if you ask me," Simon comments, and I just roll my eyes.

I turn around, a smirk look was imprinted on his face. "No it's nothing like that. He was drunk and I took him to the bathroom to clean up and get him a new shirt. End of story."

Simon doesn't look to convinced. "What ever you say, but you know Talia will bombard you with questions. She's literally itching to find you."

I groan, "I'll just avoid the conversation."

And then Simon walks off, taps Talia on the shoulder and points to me. He gives me a huge, fake grin and Talia rushes over. I flip him off as he walks away chuckling to himself. I shush her before she begins.

"Me and Harry, no. Him being drunk and me helping him? Yes."

She winks. I roll my eyes.

"He has a girlfriend, remember?"

"Oh Cassie? No one likes the bitch." *

"Why?" I say, "she can't be that bad?" I know otherwise, but want to know if she's worse than I thought.

"She uses Harry for his money, it's sad he can't see it. She forces him Into things he isn't sure about. But we don't wanna interfere, because we don't know quite what's happening."

But I do. I decide to keep that to myself, it would be better and if Harry wanted others knowing, he would have told them. But he was drunk, being drunk is a lot easier to get the truth out of people, even if you don't ask them.

I was right, Cassie was a bigger problem that we thought.

I check the views my YouTube video has now, and it's at 150k. I still can't believe it.

I go onto my Instagram to see messages from random people saying what an inspiration I am, how I encouraged them to speak up. It warmed my heart. I had also gained 2,000 followers and my post had over 2,000 likes.

It was all because I was angry and sad. That I decided to make the video, addressing my life and so no one asks questions. But in the moment I realised that others are going through similar situations, and knew I could make a difference.

"Kelli!" Freya shouts and waves me to come over, so I jog over there laughing at JJ as his singing becomes more rasped.

"Look at this!" She says, pointing to a news article.


Becoming an Internet sensation over night, Kelli Wills is the first person ever to reach 100k views in just under four hours.

Her story inspired many people, and sure did inspire me. It takes courage to do something as brave as her, and people who can't find their voice are appreciative.

We need more people to stand up just like Kelli, so hopefully this wonderful woman has shown you that everyone and anyone can pull through.

I can feel my eyes watering, and I can't hold back my tears as they tickle down my face. I latch onto Talia as she whispers what a difference I'm going to make for people. This all seems surreal. A lie. Surely I'm going to wake up and be back in my spot in Leicester Square.

"Pinch me, I'm dreaming."

"Oh honey, your life is just beginning."

bit of a short one oops
hope people are enjoying this.
probs not lmao
anyways tysm for over 500 reads!
and comment suggestions or ways I can improve this k bye
also pls vote this and try and get me to 1k views, that would be amazing!

no hate to the name Cassie lol

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