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I don't remember barging past Josh, throwing open the apartment door, racing down the two flights of stairs- in heels (loaned from Talia), and storming out in front of the apartment complex, my mind fogged with rage, my body running on pure adrenaline.

I don't remember my fist colliding with Cassie's jaw, until a choral gasp from the group erupted as she stood aghast, eyes bulging out of their sockets. The gasp echoed down as the others watched from above, I could even hear a "Damnn, nice one Kelli!" from who I could only presume was JJ.

Inaudible and incapacitated, she tried to bitch slap me (pathetic on all counts), and missed, still stunned from the blow to her jaw. I grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from my face before it got the connection to probably my ear, the grip so tight it was beginning to cut off blood circulation. Her rage was only exacerbated by Harry's lack of participation, as he stood their, quite possibly with a wider gape then Cassie had. Only when Cassie gave him a forceful glare, he shook his head back into reality, did he respond. "Kelli, what the fuck?"

"Wow, all it took was a glance for her to have you under a trance."

"Ha, you just rhymed unintentionally!"

"Vik, shut up, not the time" Ethan hushes Vik.

Harry grabs my arm, pulling it out of my grip, throwing it down. I can feel my skin crawling, itching to hit her again, show her what she deserves. But I knew I stood no chance of Harry forgiving me for the scene I had already caused. Some part of him loved her, whether it be real or manipulated. And that was something I would have to help him realise, if he ever wanted to speak to me again. "If you feel forced to be here, leave." I say, gritting my teeth.

I knew it would be slightly awkward having him here after our kiss, but no one knew i thought it meant anything for real, apart from the girls of course, and that was just on my part. It was stupid of me, but rage blinded me and I just wanted to get back at Cassie for the comments on my past, which is what she tends to use against me. I guess she knew how to rip apart people from their weaknesses, which she used to walk over Harry, tearing him to pieces because he didn't know how to say no. Plus, it would seem even more obvious I believed the kiss meant something if I didn't invite him.

"Harry please keep me away from this savage homeless bitch, she is insane" Cassie responds for him, looking at him for validation, but instead, Harry falls silent, refusing to look at me.

Again, the homeless insult. Typical, but instead of letting it hinder me defenceless, I laugh, I laugh in her face, using this opportunity to test out my new hypothesis. Cassie is a bitch, so why wouldn't I just laugh in her face hypothesis.

"Oh I'll show you insane, from someone whose made their way, and doesn't leech off of her boyfriend" I smirk, waving them pettily away, as Harry has to drag her to his car, while Cassie continues to curse at me in many ways, which to give it to her, were creative.

I catch him give me a look before he slams his car door shut, one of mixed anger, disappointment but with a hint of regret in his eyes, and I was determined to find out what he was regretting.

I slump back inside, slowly making my way up the stairs and back into the apartment, greeted by many looks of sympathy, shock, and impressed. JJ is the first to congratulate me, not only on my interview but for my 'knockout' of a hit. "Another couple of them and you'd have a KO, Kelli!" he chuckles, patting me on the back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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