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After a few sobs and sniffles, I eventually stopped crying and told them about my dream. How real it felt. They reassured me and told me I was safe and they wouldn't let me go through it every again.

These people were some, well the only kindhearted people I've ever met.

A few hours had past, and I realised it was just me left in my room. I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed. So I decided to just sleep the day away.


The birds once again woke me up, reminding me of my street days. That was only three days ago. Still couldn't believe it.

As I checked the little alarm clock beside me, unluckily, it was 5:27am, and there was no going back to sleep.

I tiptoed out of my room, being careful not to wake anyone. As I walked into the kitchen, I was startled to see a different girl sat at the Island. "Hi, you must be Kelli," the dirty-blonde haired girl whispered. She seemed fairly tall and very pretty.

"Talia's told me loads about you," she carried on. "I'm Freya by the way. Josh's girlfriend."

"Well you know who I am, but what are you doing up so early?" I was confused.

"Josh is a very loud snorer," We both laughed.

After that small introduction, Freya told me about everyone's jobs and what everyone was like. "I'm sure you know what JJ and Ethan are like, very outgoing. Then there's Tobi and Vik, peacemakers and the kindest guys. Josh is like the dad of the group," I laugh at that statement. "Simon is an all rounder, and then Harry can be quite shy at times, but if you've known him for a while he does eventually show his true self."

"Was that why Harry wasn't talking much?" I asked, I'd wondered that and I wanted to get along with everyone.

"Maybe. But at the moment he's having trouble with his girlfriend. He won't go into much detail but that boy doesn't like making anyone upset."

"Ohh. Makes sense," I didn't know what else to say, I'd never been in a relationship. Almost every boy thought I was instantly going to be a bad girlfriend and probably all thought I was ugly.

We sat in silence for a little while, but to be honest I enjoyed the company. Freya and I seemed to get along well.

The clock showed the time as being 7:45am, Freya and I starting a conversation every so often.

We knew Talia was awake when we heard her singing cheerfully.

"Today's the day girlies!!" She couldn't keep her excitement in and are spirits were raised immediately.

Me and Freya looked at each other and shrugged. Talia noticed this gesture and couldn't help but smile even more.

"Omg you guys have already met! That means less awkward situations when we go shopping!"

We laughed. "Well I'm not doing anything today so-"

Talia stopped Freya with her squeals. "I know silly, already checked your calendar!"

Freya laughed once again and said she figured as much. The day was already off to a pretty good start, everyone in high spirits and ready for the predicted long day.

~Talia's 'short shopping spree'~

1. Primark
2. Maybe Gucci if we feeling boujee!
3. New Look
4. Selfridges
5. Brandy Melville
6. Burberry
7. Urban outfitters
8. Nike
9. Top Shop (maybe if we want to)
10. Food:)

Freya and I were already tired just looking at the list. Talia became our hype-woman and we grabbed our shoes. Keys swirling around her finger also feeling the electric vibes that was flowing through Talia's veins, she unlocked her car and we hopped inside. I in the front with Talia, feeling the buzz of her excitement filling my lungs and Freya in the back, already calling the aux cable.

Soon enough 505 by the Arctic Monkeys was blasting through the speakers, the windows rolled right down for all of London to hear our amazing taste in music. My hair flying, I felt weightless and painless. I hoped this would last forever.

The music-less car and engine noises tells me we've arrived. The car door slams and my borrowed shoes touch the tarmac parking spot. I hear two other pair of shoes walking along and turn to see their smiles.

"You ready for the best day ever?!" Talia squeals and takes our hands.

Hopefully this was an experience I was going to enjoy.

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