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When Freya and Josh finally finish it was finally time to choose a dare for Harry and Josh, both the boys loosing.

I turn on the camera, knowing how to do it now. I grin at my quick progress.

"Right, so it's time for your dares!" I laugh evilly at the boys, both of them stand their smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask, completely and utterly confused. This was a dare, and from I was told, these were sometimes easy, something bad.

I was going for bad, and
it was going to be amazing.

Freya and I huddled together, hiding our faces and lowering our voices. "This is your time to shine, Freya. Give it to them dirty," I whisper and try to stifle my giggle.

"So I'm thinking, I've seen Josh and he is a sucker for hot stuff, so I'm thinking the ghost chip. And for Harry.." She stops and questions this. "I've been wanting a chance to do him real dirty, so let's go with an ice bath for 45 seconds," she clapped her hands together, an evil grin on her face.

We un-huddle, and turn to face the boys, our grins not leaving our faces. We try to act serious, but fail and laugh at ourselves.

"Don't sweat it bro, they'll go easy on us," Josh says, but I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

"You underestimate my powers, poor boys," I laugh as I watch the colour drain from their faces.

"It's bath time boys," Freya giggles and Harry goes ghost pale.

"You bastard," Harry murmurs, more colour draining from his face, if that was even possible.

"Don't be a pussy, Harold," Josh grins, but has no idea what we planned for him.

"Fuck it," Harry shouts and jumps into the ice water, instantly regretting his in-the-moment decision.

I feel a pang of sympathy, as his breathing already becomes raspy and wheezy. "Only thirty seconds, you got this Harry," I say, trying to help him calm down.

"Don't talk to me," Harry manages to speak, trying to slow his breathing down.

"Oh shut up Lewis, I bet it's not even cold," I giggle.

"Alright then, suit yourself," and he uses his last bit of strength to pull me in.

"Shit, I apologise. This is bloody freezing," I say and put my hands up in defeat, immediately shivering and regretting using my cocky language.

I feel him accidentally put his hand on my thigh, but try not to think about it as I need to focus on preserving my heat. "How-w mu-uch time, Freya?" I stutter and I'm jealous as I watch her giggle and tell me another twenty seconds.

"You s-should have k-kept your m-mouth shut," Harry grins, baring his teeth in happiness for he wasn't the only one going though the coldness.

The twenty seconds seemed like minutes, and as soon as my time is up, I hop out faster than I've ever before, and Harry follows immediately, snatching the towel from Josh and wrapping himself up like a baby. As he shivers, his lip quivering, I can't help but think he is cute. I don't mention that, and focus on drying myself off.

My speech is slurred and my shivering doesn't stop. I try to say thank you for the towel but I can't form the words. Freya puts her hands on my face, pulling them off at the touch of my cold and pale skin. "You okay?.." Freya asks, clearly worried. I could feel my body slowly shutting down, but quickly loosing feel in my fingers and toes.

I shake my head and the others also have the same worried looks on their faces, causing me to panic more. I sit down on the bath edge, trying to slow my breathing down and wonder why I'm becoming exceedingly tired. My mind is spinning, and I can't think straight, looking at Freya for answers or any idea what is happening to me.

"Why are you guys all staring at me? Is something wrong?" I whisper as if I forgot about the events that occurred just a moment ago.

"Shit. I know what's happening," Josh's voice is shaky and makes me scared. "Harry get Kelli, Freya grab the other towels. Bring yourselves to my car."

No one moves, and I have no clue why everyone is concerned. "NOW," Josh screams and kick starts everyone into motion.

Harry sweeps me up bridal style, while I watch a blurry Freya picking up all the towels she could find, slamming the cupboard doors in fright. I can't hold my head up anymore, so nestle it into Harry's arm. "Don't close your eyes, cmon Kelli, only a little while longer!" Harry screams in my ear, giving me a little more energy to do as he said.

I feel the running motions of Harry and the car door opening, and Harry sits down, me still in his arms. Freya wraps the towels around me, trying to cover my feet as well as my whole body.

Everyone goes quiet, Josh focusing on the road ahead and the other two focusing on me.

My eyes begin to flutter closed, trying my hardest to keep them open as Harry told me.

I feel my body become closer with his, him hugging me as close as possible, and I feel his eyes on me, him knowing I can't hold on much longer. He says nothing as he hugs me tight, and the last thing I hear is the honk of the car horn when I begin to hear less and everything becomes darker until I can't hear or see nothing at all.

bit small soz
comment what you
wanna see, I take suggestions! :)

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