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My hands shake as they lay in my lap. I try to adjust to a comfier position in the armchair, but I was either too fidgety or too shaky.

The This Morning waiting area was beautifully simplistic. Framed posters from old, aired episodes, old team members. The silence was never truly there, as a fountain lay in the middle of the room.

"Breathe, Kelli. It's just a live interview."


Trying to comfort myself was never easy, even when I was homeless. "Girl, you've almost died and then could have been kidnapped by the Sidemen, you'll be fine."

I felt at peace knowing that, even if this went terribly, I'd still made it here. Who would have guessed?

I picked up the new edition of the GQ Tom Holland magazine; I was happy now. Flicking through the pages, I imagined myself as MJ from Spiderman: Far From Home. In the scene where they kiss. Of course.

Lost in my fantasies, I hear my name called. I stand, legs barely taking my weight and follow the kind woman with the name of Josie. She proceeds to tell me where to stand and when to go on. "Anyone with you today? Mum? Dad?"

"Nope. Just. Me." I sigh.

"Then who's them two who've just come in?"


Before I find out, I'm being ushered out as there is a round of applause.

I sit down on the blue cushioned sofa, Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby to the left of me. In that moment all I can hope is that my arse won't leave a sweat patch.

"Welcome, Kelli. We are just going to get straight into this. We want to know how you became some popular over night and what caused you to film that video," Holly asks me, shifting a little to look more directly at me.

I nod. "I guess, Holly, I wasn't in a good place. Fortunately I had just been offered a play to stay with some people I'd never met. And now they are some of the great people in my life. I was still hurting, my family life was not amazing."

"Do you care to go into more detail on that?" Phillip asked.

"Of course. My parents sent me away at a young age so I never really developed a mother, father, daughter bond. I never got to know my own brother. I guess that started the issues. And then having no home, barely any food, basic necessities and anyone to support me through it. I'm not sure what I can say live on television, but more detail is in the YouTube video itself."

I take a deep breath. "A friend of mine reminded me of the things I'd tried to bury, forget about as my new friends were a distraction, but in the end trying to push problems aside only makes them bigger," I smile and put my hands in my lap.

"I won't make you say any more on the subject, but I've got to ask, how did it feel waking up to all that population and recognition on an important matter to you?" Holly rebounded off of me.

"It was a thrill, truly. Seeing that people were inspired to share their story's and not be afraid to speak up was heart warming, knowing someone such as myself is capable of giving people hope."

The two presenters nod in understanding. Phillip claps his hands and laughs a little. "One more question before we have to move on, how is it living with the YouTube stars?"

"A nightmare," I laugh. "No, on a serious note, they are genuinely the nicest people I've ever met and I'm lucky enough to know them and call them friends."

My body seems to have relaxed and I hadn't even noticed. I let myself take in where I was and what I had accomplished, I had achieved something huge. "Thank you for your time, Kelli Wills everyone!" Holly begins clapping and Phillip joins her and I get up and walk behind the set, seeing Josie from before.

"That was perfect, do you want me to take you to the guy waiting outside for you?"

I nod in gratitude. "Follow me."

I see Josh's huge, beaming, grin as I jog over to him. He pulls me in for a hug and I reciprocate, feeling his warmth and soaking in his energy. "I watched halfway through, you were amazing.  How you didn't mess up anything was unbelievable!"

I giggle and feel my cheeks go slightly red. "I don't know, it just flowed out."

Josh steps to the side and opens his car door. Hop in, I have something to show you."


We pull up outside a quiet cafe on the outskirts of Oxford street. He opens my car door and I chuckle when he also opens the cafe door for me. "What are we doing here?"

"It's a cafe, we are going bowling."

"Wait, really? I've always wante- oh your bullshitting with me."

He laughs. "I promise I'll take you bowling, but we are just grabbing coffee, plus Talia and Freya begged me for these cookies they do in here."

I sit down at a window seat, staring out into the less-busy street. Soon Josh rejoins me, with two coffee's. Before i can even take a sip, Josh begins talking. "Is it weird not knowing your family?"

I trace my finger round the rim of the coffee lid. "Yeah, course, but what can I do about it? Parents ditched me, brother could be anywhere."

He nods. "What was your brothers name, he'll probably be on FaceBook."

"Josh it won't be that easy, plus I don't even know. I don't remember anything apart from the bad and some faint memories of me and him playing Lego's and cars."

Josh begins typing into FaceBook. "Man, has a sister, Lego's. Cars."

I smirk. "Worth a try."

"Who was the other person with you today? The woman who guided me in said there was two?" I ask, curious.

"Doesn't matter," Josh takes a sip of coffee, looking out the window. He rummages in his pocket until he pulls out his lucky Lego figure.

"Oh it's mini you again," I smile, remembering the little farmer character he always kept with him.

"I held him tight while you were being interviewed," Josh smiled to himself, twiddling the figures arms back and forth.

"Well, thank you, mini Josh. Lego has always helped me through bad times. My brother distracted me from my parents with Lego, and you helped me not fuck up my interview with your Lego."

We both chuckle, taking a sip from our coffees and staring out at the sunset. The contrast between the pink and orange clouds enough to stimulate a peaceful silence as we both sink into thought, eyes still locked on the artwork that lay in front of us.

I'm so sorry I don't post frequently, sometimes I just cba, but I felt motivated haha. Thank you so so much for 18k, wtf!!! Never would have thought it. Much love to you Harry Lewis lovers. X

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