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I sunk into lower in the sofa, hoping it's cushions would open up and swallow me whole. My mind races through those events, only minutes ago I was kissing Harry.

Cassie was going to get revenge on me. There was no doubt about it. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, and another hand squeezing mine. The girls pulled me up and I gave them a small smirk. "Although this party is over, I gotta say hands to you Kelli. I hated that top." Freya high fives me and I can't help but feel a sense of relief. I have the girls to help me plan our own revenge if Cassie decides to strike first.

"Where have they gone? This is Harry's apartment and it's like 4am." Josh asks.

Simon imitates what they are probably doing as we speak, and we all laugh.

I go to grab another drink, and Talia stops me. "I'm sorry love. I think you're done for today. We need to talk."

She grabs me and Freya and pulls us into a bedroom. "Right I saw that kiss. That meant something."

I don't answer, knowing if I open my mouth, I won't be able to stop.

Freya looks me in the eyes. "You enjoyed it didn't you?"

I nod. I wait for them to both stop squealing and I carry on. "It's not like anything major, but something about him. I can forget everything when I'm with him."

They show their understanding through their silent expressions. "Cassie is controlling him. I was on FaceTime with him all night-"

They both share the same smirk. "Shut up. But when Cassie came in she went off at him."

"Poor boy. He doesn't know what to do," Talia sighs. "We can't do much apart from ask him about it. But I don't think he'd tell any of us the full truth. We can see Cassie's intentions but we all agreed to not interfere unless we have to."

"I could try?" I say.

"Maybe. Let's let the monster girl calm down first." Freya says pulling me out of the bedroom.

"No point letting this ruin our night. Let's go back to mine. We can just chill the rest of the night," Freya pulls me to the front door.

We wave goodbye to the boys and head out. We all jump onto Freya's sofa and huddle up in blankets. Talia chucks on the Notebook. We just soak up each other's presence, and I feel the stress leaving.

I turn my phone on and check my notifications. I now have over 7k followers and I smile at my upcoming success. I go onto my Instagram story and post a boomerang of me and the girls watching the Notebook and caption it 'times like these make me remember how single iam but these girls are my loves' and tag the two of them.

I then go over to Twitter and see I've received Tweets from my followers to check my email. I do as they say, confused but interested. I see one from thismorning@itv.com.

I'm in awe. I click on it as fast as humanly possible, and read it.

Dear kelliwillsbusiness@gmail.com (The guys told me I needed a business email)

We at the This Morning team have seen your video on YouTube, and would be delighted to have you on the show to talk all things about your life and how it's changed so far because of this. Get back to us as soon as possible to arrange a timing. We would love to hear from you.

Kind Regards, the This Morning team.

I scream with pure happiness, shaking Talia and Freya awake as fast as I can. "What's going on, has Talia seen the kiss scene?"

"No guys. I've been invited onto This Morning."

"Holy shit!" The girls chorused. They both jumped on top of me, making it hard to breathe.

They heard my wheezing and clambered off, congratulating me. My smile beamed band transferred to them, all of us dancing around In excitement. "Seriously though, I don't know if I can do this?"

"It's a big deal, we have got to get the guys on FaceTime!"

I open WhatsApp and send a group text:

sidechicks x

Guys, I have some news :Kelli

Vik: What?!

Josh: Hurry up tell us

JJ: Unless your fighting Jake Paul idc. jk

Simon: Cmon, I can feel the tension😡

Ethan: Hurry uppppp Kelliiii

Tobi: Kelli you're killing me pls

Harry: Kelli I stg

I've been invited on This Morning! :Kelli

The guys begin spamming the chat with congrats, and my smile feels as though it's stuck on my face. Life really has taken a turn, but how long until it turns to shit again?

I'm so sorry it's been so long, tysm for 10k! I can't believe it! I'll try and post more but ty so much again! I'm also writing a marvel fanfic peter parker obvs, so if you'd be interested in that comment!🥰

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