day one.

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━ 𖤐 february 1st, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 1st, 2021.

Y/N! OVER HERE! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Mina gushed as she exclaims from where your locker was standing.

"What?" You groaned asking her, you clearly didn't get your sleep today so you were just a bit tired.

"I found another love letter in your locker!" Mina exclaimed as she showed you, holding a perfectly white envelope in her hand.

"Minaaa, I already told you! I don't want a valentine." you frowned and tried to shrug off her comment as much as possible.

You and her discussed this for a while. You were waiting for the right one. You were waiting for him.

"Ooo! Y/n's pretty popular isn't she?" Uraraka teased you.

"Morning!" you said cheerfully to her, her saying it back to you.

"Hey Y/n." Kaminari said it in a cheerful tone, giving me a wink afterwards. You gave him an eyeroll in response, him asking what was the letter Mina was holding.

"Oh this? It's just a love letter for the one and only Y/n!" Mina teased you handing the letter to Kaminari.

"Oh cut it out, you two." you rolled your eyes in response to them.

"OooooOO! A love letter! From who?" Kaminari asked, now curious of the situation.

Mina shrugged, "Dunno, they didn't leave a name.." she frowned, looking back at the letter.

Meanwhile, you could hear a explosive little blonde-haired boy give a little 'tch' in annoyance of the situation. You didn't know why he would even care due to the fact that he never thought about romance-at all.

Or that's what you thought.

"Okay, okay, stop making such a big fuss out of it!" you said as you pushed them inside the classroom.

"Come on, gather round, I don't have time for this.." Aizawa groaned as he stepped inside the classroom.

"Everyone, gather in your seats!" Iida yelled out to us, waving his hand back and fourth. It made you giggle at the thought of his consideration towards the chaotic class.

You took a seat down, as you sat in front of Bakugou like always. He was loud and his yells were even more hearable-if that was even a word, from there.

"Oi, who was that letter from?" he asked with an annoyed tone.

"I'm not sure, remember the letter was unsigned? And why do you want to know? Curious? Katsuki?" you teased him as he just ignored you, looking away back at the board. Or looking at your back.

"Of course not, that's stupid." he rolled his eyes at you, his back facing at you.


"What do you want to do?" Sero pokes around in your room, soon after lying himself on your bed.

"Do not lay your dirty body on my bed." you swat him off, for him to quickly get off.

"I'll wash up laterrrr, wahhh." he makes a fake crying noise, which makes you roll your eyes at him.

He was so childish at times.

Sero suddenly had an idea, which made a smirk tug at his lips. "You have to help me do my laundry then."


"What do y'all want to do, stop flirting." Kaminari teased you both, obviously not meaning it. You gave him a glare as he hid behind Mina.

"What's this Y/n?" she teased as she showed you a picture frame with a picture inside of it; it was a picture of both you and Bakugou. It was during the U.A school festival. It was you smiling a big smile while he seemed very fucking annoyed. But he loved it when you flashed that stupid smile of yours.

"Hey! Don't touch that, I can't get a new one even if I wanted to." you grab it out of her hands as Bakugou crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.

You guys had made a deal for that picture. It was one picture with Bakugou (frame it, and if you lost it, you couldn't get another one), then you had to delete the picture permanently because he was so whiny about it.

"Awww why nottt?" Mina asked, knowing herself that it was a pretty cute picture and wondering how the fuck you convinced Bakugou to take that picture with you.

"Because he's so whiny." you pointed to him setting it back in the right spot behind a couple of other pictures with you and Mina, and a goofy class picture with class 1-A.

You really loved U.A a lot. You smiled to yourself. "Now who wants to come downstairs and watch some cliché romance movie?" you turned to them to see Bakugou grunting some complaints, but coming with you any way.

He was so grumpy and weird like that.

"Hey! I wanna come toooo." Mina whined, her whole body slouched over and it looked as if her face suddenly turned into a frown.

"Of course, you can come too, the more the merrier." you giggled after how stupid that sounded, but nonetheless the others still joined in to cry to some shitty and cliché as fuck, romance movies.

━ 𖤐 february 1st, 2021.

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