day five.

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━ 𖤐 february 5th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 5th, 2021.

"Y/NN, Y/NN." Mina rushed up to you, not even bothering to knock on the door. "Bakusquad hangout. Be there in 20." She said as she exited your doom, humming to herself about how she was going to get the snacks ready.

It had been so long since you guys had hung out as a group. And you were lowkey missing it.

"I'm going to bring Jiro along." You said as she was already halfway down the hallway. There it was: hasty Mina.

You sighed of relief, walking up to Jiro's dorm-room. "Hey Jiro, want to join the bakusquad for a movie?" You asked her as you saw her strumming her guitar.

"Shit, did I interrupt?" You apologized.

"No, don't worry about it. And sure. Just let me put my guitar away and we can head down." She said putting her guitar neatly back into the case.

Surprisingly UA had enough money to pay for sound proof rooms. That was how she was able to play at the middle of the night. You had no idea what Mina had planned at 12:16 in the morning. She was probably thinking of watching a movie then going to eat fast food.

"Actually, I've got to go somewhere. Let me-meet me downstairs" You said to Jiro as she just smiled, knowing what you were up to.

Surprisingly, it was painfully obvious.

You rushed up to Bakugou's dorm-room, knocking on the door to see him doing nothing but laying there with a notebook full of notes.

Damn, what a good student he was.

"Katsuki, you in there?" You said as you ruffled his hair which had frightened him at the very least.

"What the fuck! You scared me, jeez." He said as he got up from his bed, fixing his hair, or more like touching his hair because you had touched it.

"Sorry.." You looked over to the notes, the whole page slightly crumpled. "Looks like someone has been studying." You smiled as you looked over to him.

"Yeah, I guess." He said closing the notebook for whatever reason. "Now what do you want? Why are you here?" He asked you confused on why you were in his dorm at the middle of the night. You guys were just about to meet up in the common room.

"Sooo basically, Mina wants bakusquad to hang out. So you gonna come?" You asked him, lying on his bed, him getting annoyed, taking his pillow away from you.

And of course, you took it back from him.

Which let him to "tch", finally letting you have it, as you rested your head on it.

"No, I don't have time for that. Didn't you see I was studying?" You realized at that moment, you had an advantage.

You knew that was a lie. He never studied at night.

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to invite Todoroki..or maybe even Midoriya!" You gushed, hugging his pillow tightly against your chest.

"Oh fine, fuck off, I'll go." He finally gave in, snatching his pillow back.


Checkmate. Another point for Y/n!


"Bro, what's taking Y/n so long." Kaminari whined. Everyone was waiting for you at this point. Everyone's focus was at the door, waiting for your arrival.

It was really giving main character vibes.

"Who even cares." He said grumpily. He was upset that you guys couldn't spend the night alone. And you guys instead had to spend the night with some annoying people. (Or that's what he said.)

"Weren't you the one who decided to come because Y/n said she might invite Todoroki?" Mina turned over to Bakugou, passing the pretzel bowl behind her to Sero and Kaminari.

Mina was really aggravating him.

"No, what the fuck? That's just stupid." He crossed his arms, getting even more upset. You were taking too long and it was starting to make him mad.

"Looks like little Katsuki is denying it.." She teased him.

"Don't call me that." He instantly barked back at Mina.

"And you let your precious little Y/n call you that?" She aggravated him even more, giggling.

"Fuck off. It's not... like that." He finished, his cheeks getting red, the tips of his ears were burning.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Stop fighting you guys! Don't tease Katsuki. Only I can do that." You joked around, taking a seat next to him.

"Finally, you're here." Kaminari said, yawning.

"What were they even fighting about?" You asked Kaminari as you took a pretzel from the bowl. Getting up from your spot on the couch to check out the CDs.


"You bastard." He glared at Mina, getting ready to chase her around the room.

"No!! I'm too young to die!! Wahhh!" She said as she tried to run away from Bakugou, soon hiding behind you, knowing that he would stop.

"Stop fighting you guys, let's just watch the movie." You said as you claimed your spot on the couch once again, next to Bakugou. (Who in fact was the one who decided to sit next to you this time.)

The couch was honestly small for such a big group of people. And at this point in time, you knew that this was Mina's plan. Bring everyone and place them all on a tight ass couch so that we could set up one couple.

You were going to tell Mina, but she was shushing you as she passed you the popcorn bowl to you.

The movie started rolling, but all you could feel was your eyes closing and your brain officially shutting off. You could feel your head dropping down to Bakugou's shoulders and then somehow you lost control and your head ended up on his lap.

"You bastard! Get off my la-" He yelled, about to continue his sentence but then he realized you were already fast asleep. And there was no way he was going to ruin a perfect night's sleep for you.

And before he knew it, he fell quickly asleep with you on his thighs, getting bored of the movie now that you were asleep and didn't have an extra commentary to make, it was going to be a boring shit show anyway.

And so, the next morning when you guys woke up, you guys found out you guys had been cuddling the fuck out of each other the whole night. And everyone was there to witness it too.

━ 𖤐 february 5th, 2021.

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