day eight.

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━ 𖤐 february 8th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 8th, 2021.

"UGH! GOODBYE WEEKEND, HELLO WEEKDAYS." Mina groaned whilst stepping inside the classroom, nearly yelling and complaining about some random things about school, leaning her head onto your shoulder making you laugh.

You never really noticed how childish Mina was.

"It won't be that bad babes. Stop worrying so much." You pat her on the back, smiling at her. She was nearly on the verge of tears.

"Yes it willll I already started suffering as soon as I stepped into this classroom!" She whined complaining even louder.

"It is very disrespectful to yell in the classroom!" Iida yelled waving his hand back and fourth, not really noticing that he was being a hypocrite.

"But you're yelling?" You pointed out, going to take a seat at your spot.

"I-I-I'm trying to help Mr. Aizawa!" He said, bowing, ashamed that he was definitely not one for his word.

"Yeah, sure." You nodded, taking a seat.

"Can you guys be quiet. No one cares about your dumb bickering." Bakugou lectured you guys, Mina apologizing for making a racket and Iida taking a seat still ashamed at himself.

Bakugou was right not currently in the stage of "should I ask her out or not?". He wasn't sure if he had wanted to ask you out because he wasn't so sure if you felt the same.

The other day you had said he was just a friend and even if the things you are saying isn't the most reliable because for all he knows, you could be lying to him. But he trusted you. And trusted your words.

But even if it meant getting rejected, he would still try and go for it. Because if he was going to be honest, he had never liked anyone has much as he liked you. Even something like that was hard for Bakugou to admit. But if it was for you, it was okay.

The lecture had went on for half of the day and by the time you knew it, it was already lunch time. And today you had decided to eat with the girls since you had eaten with Todoroki and Uraraka yesterday.

"Soooo, you gonna ask Bakugou or not?" Mina asked you, dragging out the 'o' in the word "so."

Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Uraraka, Mina, Hagakure, and you were sitting together for lunch. And everyone was curious for your answer.

Nobody really had an interesting love life that involved the whole class except for you.

"I was thinking about it when I was doing Kaminari's laundry. But now I don't know. I think I'm going to change my mind. Y'know, like, not ask him." You chuckled, slurping your soba afterwards.

"How come?" Momo asked, afterwards feeling guilt piling up scared she had invaded your privacy too much.

"I just..decided that it'd be best if I didn't. Haha." You chuckled lightly, giving them your softest smile, that had soon turned into a frown.

"Aw babes, it's okay." Mina said pulling you in for a big hug.

"I'm fine, I promise, don't worry about me." You said letting the hug last for as long as she wanted it to.

"You seemed a little down lately, is there anything we can do to help fix that?" Tsuyu asked you, noticing the change in your mood ever since people had started mentioning the thing with you and Bakugou.

"Yeah! I'll even ditch Deku so that we can all hang out as a group!" Uraraka said determined to help you out.

"Nono, it's okay. It's just, when I was going to my room so I could find Kaminari, I overheard Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari talking about Valentine's day stuff. And I heard them talking about how Bakugou didn't want to ask this girl, but he did? I don't just really confused me and stuff." You laugh lightly, again.

"It's okay, we'll figure something out if you don't get asked okay?" Hagakure said, desperate to help you.

"Yeah!" Momo said, everyone trying ways to brighten up the mood.

"We can hold a concert! In my room! Or that music room down the hall!" Jiro reccomended.

"Thanks guys. I seriously love you guys." You said as you pulled them all in for a big hug. Thanking them for their efforts, everything they were doing just for you.


"Sooo, who's this special "her"?" You built up enough courage to finally ask Bakugou about it. It was hard to face reality, but at some point you had to ask him.

Bakugou froze in his spot, walking towards the kitchen to get a bag of chips from the secret stash he had hid behind all of the other snacks.

"What?" He murmurs, his voice barely being audible.

"You don't need to act dumb, I heard you and the other guys talking about it when I was going to find Kaminari." You explain to him as you sulk at the ceiling.

"It's none of your business." He finally answers.

"Fair." You answered, sighing, knowing that it was true.

It really wasn't any of your business above all.

" you find me attractive?" Bakugou mumbled, again his voice barely even being audible. By asking this question, he instantly shut down all his pride he had stored in him.

"What's with the sudden question..?" You moved your head to the side to look at him who had just left the kitchen, with no chips because he was pretty sure he had eaten them all.

"Answer it."

"Yeah." You answered honestly, the next few seconds being completely silent. It was kinda of awkward. Maybe you should've been more on the down low about it.

"Do you find me attractive?" You asked him, trying to break the silence.


"Aw thanks!" You said as you got up and attacked him with a big hug.

"You're also fun to hang out with." He admitted, savoring the hug you were giving him. "And you're attractive." He admitted on his own will, not even needing you to force him to say it himself.

"Aw! I think that about you too!" You said as you hugged him even tighter, and even though he was grumbling something every five seconds, he knew secretly that he loved this hug.

━ 𖤐 february 8th, 2021.

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