day twelve.

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━ 𖤐 february 12th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 12th, 2021.

"SOOOO." Mina rolls the 'o's out of the blue, the rest of the girls in Mina's dorm just hanging out and eating food while you guys had talked about random things, you finishing your half drawn Mikasa drawing.

"Hm?" You hummed, fixing the edges of her hair as you waited for Mina to continue.

"Since you didn't come back yesterday I'm assuming you slept in Bakugou's room? And the convincing didn't work." Mina leans over peeking over at my drawing.

"...Yes..but don't get it in the wrong way. We just cuddled as friends. That's it." You explained to her, moving your sheet of paper, realizing it was a bit lopsided.

"You guys did what?! And you still have the audacity to say "friends"?!" Uraraka asked you, shocked, but at the same time not really.

"How come you never tell us anything!" Hagakure complained making you a bit confused. You didn't want to let them know of these things because they'd make these things a bit deal. And that wasn't the case.

You didn't want unnecessary drama over a guy who didn't even like you back.

"Tell us next time?" Hagakure pleaded with you nodding and reassuring her that next time you would definitely let her and the girls know.

"Want to play a game?" Uraraka said patting a place on the ground for you to get off of your spinning chair and sit on the ground with the rest of the girls (criss cross apple sauce) to play a game.

Whatever that game was.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Mina finished what Uraraka was saying, both of them knowing exactly what they were planning to do. "But without the dare and more the truth." Oh. You definitely knew where this was going now.

Hagakure quickly caught on and tried to make it sound less suspicious, "You know, since we haven't really met up in a group like this in a while and you know just update each other on how each other's lives are going lately!" She explained to you, making you nod in agreement.

It wasn't a bad idea, but you were a bit scared of where this was going to lead.

"But if things get out of hand, I will stop you guys." Momo told you guys, laughing afterwards about how maternal she had sounded. Uraraka giving her a thumbs up and Tsuyu giving her a nod showing her that they were listening to her words.

"I'll start then! May I ask you a question, Y/n?" Uraraka looking into your direction, the girls' attention focused onto you now.

"Of course you may." You giggled afterwards, hands on your knees waiting for her to ask you the question.

"Why are we even fucking here." Bakugou said a bit more angrily than he would've usually. But that was probably because the guys and him were at Mina's dorm room listening to your guys' conversation. It was a bit of an invasion of privacy.

And as much as he was curious, he could seriously never.

"Because we need to know everything." Sero rolled his eyes at Bakugou who was crossing his arms standing there, not even wanting to be here, but Kirishima had dragged him over.

"Isn't this... a bit of an invasion of privacy..?" Midoriya asked, but nonetheless he was pretty curious of what you had wanted to say as well.

"It's be fine! Mina said we could listen in, right Kaminari?" Sero nudged him on the shoulder with him answering with an excited "Yeah!"

"Okay, we're going to ask you this question, but if you don't want to answer it or if you want out, let us know." Mina's voice echoed through the door the guys listening to the conversation very carefully. Mina not wanting to make you uncomfortable with the question so she had to confirm whether you'd be comfortable with it or not.

"Yeah, just ask away. I'm okay with any question." You reassured them as they passed the ice cream tub around, everyone taking a scoop then passing it over to the next person on their right.

"Who wants to say it?" Mina asks the circle, making Jiro drop her spoon, all of them yelling in unison,

"ME!" Everyone giggling about it afterwards and then deciding a different thing that would allow all of them to be able to ask you at the same time.

"Do you still want to ask Bakugou out for Valentine's day? Or what are your current feelings for him?"

"I thought I already answered this question like a million times." You rolled your eyes at them, chuckling afterwards.

"Well you could've changed your mind!" Momo insisted. And if Momo was insisting that it was probably a pretty serious question for you to answer.

"Guys! Listen carefully." Kaminari shushed Bakugou, his ear pressed against the door wanting to know the answer to his questions.

"Ugh no. I'm leaving." Hands in his pocket nearly walking away, Kaminari tugging him by the collar of his shirt and forcing him to sit at the door like an obedient child.

"Well, I guess it'd be nice if he asked me, but I don't think I'll ask him any time soon." You paused to chuckle a bit, them waiting for your long explanation. "I honestly like him a lot. Like a lot, a lot. But I don't know if he sees me in that way. He's so focused in training to be a pro hero it's kind of cute." You laughed making Bakugou freeze, the girls grabbing tissues to cry about the "sad story" you had just told them.

"Oooo. So Y/n has a crush on you!" Kaminari turned to Bakugou who was flushed red, him hiding it with his hands. "What about you though?"

"Ugh this is stupid, I'm leaving." He mumbles, walking away for real this time, but like the last time he tried that Kaminari tugged him by the collar of his shirt once again.

"HEYYY! I'm coming inside!" Kaminari busted inside Mina's dorm room nearly breaking the door.

"Bakugou!" You said as you rushed over to him who was leaning against the door frame, giving him a big tight embrace making the tint on his cheeks even brighter, his chest thumping so hard he was super sure you could hear it.

━ 𖤐 february 12th, 2021.

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