day thirteen.

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━ 𖤐 february 13th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 13th, 2021.

"WHAT DID YOU GET ON THE TEST?" Bakugou turned around asking you with you a slight frown on your face. Which made Bakugou a little bit confused since he was the one who had helped you out with it so there was no way that you could've gotten a low score on it.

Or at least not a low score like the score you got on the last test.

"93%." You frown showing him the piece of paper. Even though you studied like hell for this test because Bakugou had helped you so hard you still managed to get a low A. It wasn't even close to a high A.

"That's still good." Jiro said showing you hers which showed a solid 87%.

"Yeah." Bakugou mumbled agreeing with Jiro's words. Even if he had such pride he knew when to shut the fuck up at needed times.

"Ugh this is so annoying." You rested your cheek onto your table, "Maybe I am stupid." You frowned disappointed at the little bit off score. You were slightly a perfectionist as much as you hated to admit it.

"Maybe you should've paid attention in class more." Bakugou suggested realizing your mood went down even more when he said that. As much as he loved to tease you, maybe this wasn't the right time for his jokes.

"Maybe I should've have kept talking to Kaminari about attractive people on the internet." You frowned shoving your face into the desk even more, disappointed in all your wasted efforts. And just the words coming from your mouth made Bakugou tense up.

Of course. You loved talking about people that looked attractive. And especially characters from animes. "You're so dumb." He blurted out even though a small little smile was perking up onto his lip. Smiling at how cute you had looked right now.

"Am not." You huffed arguing back to him. You hated losing fights against Bakugou. Even if at times he was right.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not. You can't even pull girls." You argued, getting a little more upset than you were originally.

"Neither can you." He said annoyed. "You wish you could pull me." He winked, causing anger to boil up in you.

"Alright. I don't give a fuck." You finally ended this argument making Bakugou shocked at your sudden outburst, you slightly storming out of the classroom, your footsteps light not to cause a outburst of the whole classroom.

You didn't even know you had it in you to burst like that.

But the fact that Bakugou kept saying you were stupid made you slightly believe that you were stupid.

It wasn't that he was wrong, but it just felt as if your whole world was collapsing just because of one bad score. It wasn't even that bad either. But Bakugou teasing you about it made you start believing that it was bad.

And especially since you had honestly started developing feelings for him when you shouldn't be the insult kind of hurt more than it should've. You didn't even know why. You were being so childish.

Obviously he was just joking.

But for you it felt more hurtful than it usually did.

And usually, it hadn't hurt at all. For one, you were probably being overdramatic. You were scared of his rejection. What would happen to your friendship? These feelings were getting out of hand. And it was starting to scare you.

Bakugou ran after you, you were literally going at the speed of lightning he swear it was so hard to catch up to you. But eventually his hand finally met with your arm. Him trying to pull you back from storming off any longer.

"Y/n-" He gets cut off, you pulling his hand out of your arm, storming off towards a dead end, sitting there, knees hugged to your chest.

You didn't even realize you were this childish. It really showed you couldn't handle rejection. Or the fact that this was basically rejection. You couldn't handle the fact that you were bad at anything. You were just like Bakugou in a way. (Even if you hated to admit that.)

"Y/n. Stop running off." His voice echoed in the hall, following your shadow into the dark corner, to see tears running down your cheeks.


He sat down on the spot right next to you, you burying your face into your arms. There is a gap of awkward silence between the two of you.

"Y/n? Fuck, I'm sorry." Bakugou tries to make you uncover your face, your gaze's attention looking at the ground not after something super embarrassing had just occurred. You were overdramatic over something small.

"Y/n, look at me." Bakugou pleaded, his hand now placed on your chin. "Please.?" He tried to move your attention at him. Causing him to see your red puffy eyes. You were literally sobbing and it was getting pretty out of hand.

But what Bakugou Katsuki was doing right now was pretty fucking hot if you were going to ask me.

"I'm sorry. I dunno what came over me. Sorry 'bout that." He apologized, even though he really did think you could handle jokes like that. But you guessed not anymore.

"..Please..? Don't ignore me." You ignored him again, making him plead for you to give some type of response. And it was funny because at a time like this he was giving you the satisfaction of him apologizing. Yet you kept trying to deny it all.

"You're seriously a fucker." He said, caressing your cheek, wiping off the tear that was falling down your face.

Suddenly everything felt surreal. His eyes moved to your lips, leaning in for a kiss.

His lips made contact with your lips, giving you a passionate but sloppy kiss, making you widen your eyes in shock at the sudden gesture, forgetting to close your eyes during the kiss.

"...Bakugou..?" You asked him, his whole face burning red, turning away, flushed from embarrassment.

You had never felt lips as soft as his. And that was probably the only thing you could think about at the time. How gentle yet rough he was being with your lips. You yearning for more of his touch.

"...I like you. Idiot." His tone rough, words mumbled and clumped up together.

"Are you being for real..?" You asked him, making sure.

"Yes you idiot." He said, shifting his hands to your cheeks again, leaning in, carefully, putting his lips against yours, this time you closed your eyes and savored the moment.

Again, it felt surreal.

His lips against yours, his love confession, how close you guys were.

You pulled away, giving yourself some space so you could take a breath. Gosh who knew kissing was so breathy.

" you too." You said with a final breath, looking him straight in the eyes, making him turn even more red from embarrassment.

"Does that mean you're my valentine..?" Bakugou asked, not really wanting to ask the question.

"Yes, you dummy." You gave him a peck on the forehead, your lips curling into a smile.

━ 𖤐 february 13th, 2021.

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