day four.

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━ 𖤐 february 4th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 4th, 2021.

"PASS THE PAPERS, Y/N." Aizawa handed me the sheets of the papers, I handed the pile to Bakugou who sat behind me, and a pile to Shoji who had sat on my right.

"These papers represent your test scores on the most recent test." He mumbled, leaving the room. "I'm going to get some coffee. Y/n, watch the classroom for me." He said as he exited the classroom, dragging his sleeping bag with him.

Sometimes you didn't understand how UA would hire such a lazy person like him. It was funny though, since he had put his trust in you.

You could feel a tap on your shoulder, "Y/n, what'd you get?" He asked you in a rough tone, mumbling his words.

"..A 76%." Your expression turning into a frown as you showed him the piece of paper. "That's literally a C! Not even a C+." You said disappointed in yourself. You swore you had studied.

You would just forget everything by the time the test actually comes.

"What about you?" You switched the topic from you to Bakugou.

"A 73%." He hid the 98% under a couple of books he had on his desk.

"What?! You're kidding. There's no way." You said shocked.

Bakugou was a good student above all. And he had such hard standards on himself that there was absolutely no way the Bakugou Katsuki got a low score.

"What do I do Jiro.. wahh.." You whined to her (who had sat on your left). You put a hand on her shoulder, and then rested your head on her shoulder.

"You can always ask Midoriya to help you study? I heard he got a 89% on his test. It's not the best, but its a B+. " Jiro explained, patting your back.

"Thanks Jiro. Maybe I'll try that." You sniffed, her giving you a nod, and then getting something from her backpack.

"Here." She handed you a tissue for you to blow your nose with.

This usually wasn't a sensitive topic for you, but a C was seriously bad. You knew academics weren't the point of becoming a hero, but it still mattered. What if you were hosted on a game show one day and all you could do was show off your quirk and not actually be able to do any school work.

You'd look like a complete fool.

"Don't worry about it Y/n. You can ask Aizawa to revise? You are his favorite student. And you're usually on top of it. So don't worry too much." Jiro comforted you, her words being enough to convince you to stop crying over this.

"Thank you Jiro. I owe you one, for real this time." You said as you hugged your neck, her giving a big grin.

Bakugou was just sitting there watching you guys cuddling. And if he was going to admit anything, he was indeed, jealous.

And not just jealous of Jiro, but also jealous of thinking of the fact that you and Midoriya studying with each other.


"..Don't." Bakugou randomly worded out, as you were lying on the couch, eyes shut, too tired to move.

"Huh?" He walked over to you, knelt on the ground and flicked your forehead for being so clueless. He brought the popcorn bowl too.

Was he trying to tempt you with food?

"..Don't ask Deku for help." He mumbled.

Your lips instantly curled into a smirk. "And why not?" You asked as you got up, your stomach lying on the couch.

"He seems like the smart type. Almost like boyfriend material." You gushed about Midoriya even though it was quite painful because you knew he liked Uraraka and Uraraka liked Midoriya.

"No." He said in the most roughest tone in a while now.

"Why no?" You asked him, clearly aggravating him, grabbing another piece of popcorn from the bowl that was right next to you because Bakugou had placed it there.

"Because I said no." He said in an even demanding tone.

"Tempting Katsuki, very tempting." You teased him even more, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth so that he couldn't argue with you.

"Look, if you need help, just ask me. We can study together. Since we both got bad scores." He said while chewing on the piece of popcorn, trying very hard not to expose himself about the fact that he had actually gotten a 98%.

"Okay," You giggled. "Does tomorrow during lunchtime sound good? We can go to the dorms and eat while studying." You grabbed another piece.

"Yeah, okay."

A moment of silence filled the room.

"Can I ask you a question Y/n?" He suddenly ended the silence, his voice surprisingly rough.

"Go for it!" You smiled, hands on your chin, lying on your stomach again.

"..Do.." He started, but didn't have the nerve to finish it.

"Do I..?" You asked him, wanting him to continue his question, whatever it was.

"...Do you have a valentine?" He mumbled making sure nobody could hear him saying that. Even if the only people out here right now were you and him.

"Nope." You popped the p, rocking your legs back and fourth. "I don't really want one." And that simple sentence had ruined his whole dreams.

"Well, it's not like I don't want one, I mean I'll willingly go if I'm asked, but I'm waiting for someone to ask me, but I don't know if they really want to go with me.." You mumbled.


So you did want to go with someone.

But you were waiting for someone?

Sometimes Bakugou Katsuki did not understand how Y/n L/n's thought process worked.

"But I'll probably go with Mina as her plus one. Since I know Uraraka and Midoriya are going together, Jiro and Kaminari and Momo are going together as a friend group, so that leaves me and stuff." You explained to him.


"I don't give a crap about that stuff."

Why did you even bother asking? Of course he'd say something like that.

"Can I go to sleep?" You said as you walked up to your dorm, Bakugou not really wanting the night to end, but he had no guts to tell you to not because he had a lot of pride.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He followed you up to your dorm since your dorms were right next to each other.

"Night Katsuki." You said as you gently closed the door.

"Goodnight Y/n." He said as he opened the door to his dorm, entering it and shutting his own door.

At least say it in my face next time.

━ 𖤐 february 4th, 2021.

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