day ten.

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━ 𖤐 february 10th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 10th, 2021.

"HEYYY KATSUKI!" You jumped onto the same couch that Bakugou was on. It was late at night and honestly if Bakugou was going to be honest he didn't expect you to come tonight since you were sick yesterday.

With a pretty high fever too.

"Sheesh, you scared me. And aren't you sick with a fever?" Bakugou bossed you around, turning around just so he could glare at you.

"Stop bossing me around! What are you, my mom?" You sarcastically asked Bakugou making him click his tongue at you.

"Plus," You added to your sentence not wanting him to boss you around. "I made sure to take my medicine before I cam down here. And I re-checked my temperature at least two more times before coming here."

"If the issue is you don't want to get sick, you won't. Don't worry so much." You sighed, chewing on a piece of candy that was placed in your dorm room by someone.

But the thing is, Bakugou wasn't worrying because he didn't want to get sick.

He was worrying because he didn't want to see you sick.

"Now Katsuki, how are you going on this fine day?" You asked him, popping some pop rocks in your mouth.

"Y/n. It's literally the middle of the night, not daytime anymore." He rolled his eyes at your stupidity.

"So? Maybe it might be 2:13 AM in the morning, but I can still ask my fellow classmate how their day went, can I not?" You proved your point making him roll his eyes again. He hated being told wrong.

"I really want to say you're wrong, but you're fucking right." He said in defeat, stealing your bag of pop rocks and popping the rest into his mouth.

"Hey! Those were mine.." You frowned at the fact that you didn't even know who it was from there was just a huge basket outside your door with a get well card and tons of candy and your favorite treats in general.

"They're technically mine too, I bought-" He quickly stopped, realizing he had almost exposed himself.

"Want to go get McDonalds?" He asked you quickly trying to change the topic not wanting you to figure it out, even though you had already knew, sheepishly grinning at his attempt to cover it up.

"I thought you'd never ask." You said as you gave him a nose boop.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Take my jacket. You'll get cold." He throws his jacket on the top of your head.

"What about you? Won't you be cold?" You ask him, accepting the jacket nonetheless, inhaling his scent from the jacket.

It was honestly quite nice for such a rough person like him.

"No. Why would I be cold?" He said scoffing at you for the dumb idea like that.

"Yeah yeah okay. Let's go!" You say running after him who was already pretty ahead of you, you hanging on his arm.

Anyone who was walking out this late at night would definitely assume the both of you guys were a couple. But if anyone were to say that, you guys or you would quickly shut those rumors down.


"Sooo do you want a fry? Maybe it'll warm you up..?" You say trying to convince him to take at least a few fries that he had bought with his money.

"No, I don't want it." He said sternly still not baring to take a look at you.

"Seriously, are you still mad at me because I proved you wrong? Or is it because I wasted your five bucks on french fries?" You said telling him to open his mouth, which he had obediently did accepting the fry even though he had complained about not wanting it for like ten whole minutes.

"I'm not mad." He said chewing, his voice kind of mixed into the chewing so it was kind of hard to hear what he was trying to say.

"Yeah sure." You mumbled, throwing a fry at him for him to flinch and take a look at you, looking like he could activate his quirk any second now.

"Haha... oops?" You shrugged, "My hands slipped. Promise." You lied to him for him to grab on of the fries and throw one of them at you.

After all, he paid for them.

"Did you just..throw a fry at me?!" You asked, shocked that he even had the confidence to throw a stunt like that, especially at you.

"Yeah I did." He said sticking out his tongue at you like a child.

"Oh fuck you, it's fucking on." You said as you threw another fry at him.

"Wanna bet who wins?" He smirked, throwing a fry at you, for you to dodge it shifting to your left so that you wouldn't get hit.

"Why? So you can owe me money?" Your expression turned into a smirk and before you were about to throw another fry at Bakugou you got interrupted.

"STOP. I had a bad feeling when you guys had came in here. Leave. Immediately." The counter lady stomped over to your table and kicked the both of you guys out, fries everywhere from the table to the ground.

"Sorry." You apologized to the lady before leaving, her letting you know that it was fine and that you should "tame" that "boyfriend of yours" or something like that making you laugh and tell her that things weren't like that. For the most part.

"We might've gotten kicked out, but it's okay. I still have the chicken nuggets I bought." You licked your lips, opening the box before looking over at Bakugou who was giving you the hardest death stare ever.

"I thought you said, you had no money." He said, cracking his knuckles ready to kill a hoe.

"Haha......" You said laughing awkwardly having absolutely no idea how to respond to that. If you had said anything else, you might've aggravated him even more.

"Fuck you Y/n." He says heading back to UA walking way too fast.

"I bet you want to." You whispered in his ear, popping up behind him, finally catching up with him.

"..Y/n. What the actual fuck. Stop being so dirty minded." He shooed you away, making you frown, but then instantly smirk realizing something.

"Hey, you didn't deny it."

━ 𖤐 february 10th, 2021.

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