day fourteen.

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━ 𖤐 february 14th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 14th, 2021.

"Y/NNN!" Mina whined, pulling your arm making you giggle of how attached she was to you at the moment. "Want to go to that one milk tea shop down the street after school? It's Valentine's day so we might as well treat ourselves out!" She exclaimed, stretching in excitement.

"Sorry Mina. I have plans after school." You apologized, giving her a pat on the head, slurping your soba afterwards.

"Plans?! Since when?" Uraraka turned her head, shocked at how you could forget to tell them such a thing.

"Since yesterday during school..?" You mumbled, nervous for their reaction. All of them looking right at you surprised you hadn't let them know sooner.

But you weren't going to lie, you had totally forgotten about it after both you and Bakugou went back inside the classroom.

"During school?!? I was sure if that had happened you would have gossiped about it at school.." Mina put a hand to her chin. The one time she wanted. you to blab, you decided to keep quiet and "forget" about it.

"Yeahhh. Sorry." You apologized to them, Hagakure and Momo walking over to the table.

"OOOOH. So Y/n has a Valentine?" Uraraka yelled loud enough for the whole cafeteria to be able to hear her. Sometimes she didn't know when to shut up. (Not that it was necessarily a bad thing.)

"Y/n! You had a valentine?" Hagakure asked, placing her lunch tray onto a empty spot on the table. Momo taking a seat next to her.

"How come you didn't let us know?" Momo asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin after slurping the soba.

"...Came up last minute..?" You slurped, making the both of them mentally facepalm.

"Ohh. Was it out in the hall when you suddenly went out of the classroom?" Jiro asked, recalling the events in her head.

"How did you know?" You asked her. Her quick was either really good at this type of stuff or Jiro was spying on you.

"Saw him chase you out of the classroom. And when I was going to use the bathroom I saw you guys making out." She said, realizing what she had said after, covering her mouth, giving you a sly expression. "....Oops. Sorryy."

"Making out!? And you had the audacity to NOT tell us?" Mina adding a little bit of cockiness into her voice.

"Haha.." You laughed awkwardly, all the girls' eyes onto you, shocked at you doing such a thing. Especially during school hours. But then again it was you so it didn't necessarily surprise them.

Suddenly a smirk had crept creepily onto Mina's face. "Who's the guy you were making out with?"

"Uh..! About that.. just no one...haha." You laughed nervously, just to feel a presence behind you.

"Me." Bakugou said boldy behind you, surprising the fuck out of you, making you surprised at the sudden move. He wasn't the type to be public about relationships. Or was he?

"Shh! You weren't supposed to tell them!" You turned around, scolding him for his random action.

"But we are dating, are we not?" He provoked you, making your face heat up while he squished your cheeks, admiring how cute you were. (Even if he would never admit it)

"Y/n's blushing!!" Mina gushed at the cute sight of the both of you guys. Her job was done. After years, it was done.

"S-Shut up! And Katsuki, stop squishing my cheeks!" You yelled at the both of them, causing Bakugou to stop doing what he was doing and listen to you. He was quite obedient.

"My cheeks are already sore.." You said rubbing your cheeks from the pain, realizing what you had just said had a little bit of a dirty meaning behind it. But you swore that wasn't your intention.


"Hmm, want to go get McDonalds, Katsuki?" You asked him, digging through the secret stash that Bakugou had to see if he had any of your favorite chips. You guys were supposed to go shopping together, but forgot about it because you guys had ended up cuddling to bed.

"Fine. But I'm not running there. We're walking, kay?" He let you grab his hand, intertwining your guys' fingers together, dragging him to McDonalds. And maybe it was the fact that you guys had so much to talk about, but it was like one blink and you guys were already there.

"Is it the same lady from last time?" Bakugou asked, the both of you guys, hiding below the display window outside.

"Nope!" You said relieved, looking at the new guy that was working there. He looked like you and Bakugou's age. "Let's go inside!" You dragged him inside, ordering your food and taking a seat, giving an extra thanks to the guy for giving you a discount for no reason whatsoever.

"Tch." You could hear Bakugou mumble in the distance, but it was just normal Bakugou behavior so you weren't surprised.

"Want to recreate that Lady and the Tramp scene but with a french fry?" You asked him, who was just taking some fries and eating them up.

"No." He ate another fry, leaving an end visible enough so that you could steal it and take a bite.

"See! We somewhat did it!" You told him making him scoff at your childish behavior. You left out the most important part.

The kiss.

"You know, the counter guy gave me a discount and even dropped in a note with his number on it! Now that I think about it.. he's not that bad looking." You looked over to him, making Bakugou give you a fowl scowl. How could you say something with such a mischievous face, knowing that those words would rile Bakugou up?

"You are a real piece of shit." He says as he puts a fry in between the both of you, pulling you in for a sloppy, yet romantic kiss.

It happened all so quickly. He was so quick too.

"Aw! I think you're jealous." You teased him, both of you guys walking out of there, throwing away your trash. You leaning a head onto his shoulder, hugging onto his arm.

"Shut up."

"Then will you admit that you were jealous then?" You look up to him who had a stubborn and what looked like a pouty expression on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He said, making you let out a sigh.

"I like you a lot, you know?" Bakugou let out after a moment of silence between the both of you guys. It was weird hearing such things come out of his mouth. It was oddly romantic coming from him, and he was never one to give out such compliments.

"I know. And I like you a lot too." You closed your eyes, letting out a smile, resting your head once again on his shoulder.

━ 𖤐 february 14th, 2021.

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