day two.

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━ 𖤐 february 2nd, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 2nd, 2021.

"KATSUKIII, I'M BORED." Your legs hung on the couch. You have been whining to him for hours by now. Struggling with sleep was so annoying sometimes.

It wasn't even like you had insomnia or anything, you just disliked sleeping It was scary.

It was probably very late at night. You got up, peering up at the clock that was a little bit hard to see since it was so high up in the common room.

"Wow. It's already 2:00?"

"I can't help with that." he shrugged it off as he went to the cabinets to see if there was any interesting things to eat inside of them.

"Yes you cannnn. You can help me with that boredom by entertaining me." you followed him as he walked near the kitchen to see nothing in the cabinets.

He eyes you, you putting on an innocent look on your face. "Did you eat all of it?" he asked you as he slammed the cabinet door shut. You just giggled in response as you followed him back towards the sofa.

"Can we play charades or something?" you asked him as you blocked his view from the television.

"Charades? Why?" he asked you, closing the television, which made you knew it was a win for you. (But just in case it wasn't, you stole the remote from him, so either way it was a win win.)

"Because it's an interesting game, dontcha think? It's all about pretending to be something and the other person guessing. Except no speaking. It's fun! C'mon please..?" you asked him once more, pulling his arm wanting him to get up from his seat.

"Fine, fine." he finally agreed. You noticed there was a small tint of blush fading onto his precious little mean looking face.

"Yay!" you yelled up your hands up happily, happily declaring his defeat. Being a little bit too loud about that. You were acting out as things you weren't so that the second player (or the other players) could guess what you were.

It seemed simple enough. Right?

"Shut up, I'll play with you." he said as he got up, sighing in defeat. Charades was a stupid game, you could admit that too.

"Do you want to go first?" you asked him as you took a piece of popcorn from the bowl and putting it in your mouth to savor the flavor.

He just went first without your approval. He acted out as two claws and starting 'clawing' at you. It made you raise a brow, but also giggle at his lame attempt at playing the game. He felt so stiff.

You groaned. "Loosen up a bit. You're so... uptight." You complained, still trying to figure out what the heck Bakugou was trying to be.

It was hard to tell when he looked like an idiot trying to imitate a lion. "Hm..." You put your finger on your chin thinking real hard. "A LION!" You yelled in victory.

He sighed, hating being defeated by you. It really ruined his pride. And he was trying his hardest to keep his pride in tact.

".. Yeah you got it." He murmured not wanting to admit his defeat.

"Yay! See, I am very smart." You knelt down so that you were directly facing Bakugou's face. He was looking at the ground getting all depressed and stuff just because you beat him.

Oh what a big baby he was.

"Oh yeah? Wanna talk about that D you got on the most recent math test?" His lips got torn from a frown to a smirk.

"Oh fuck off, it was just that one time." Your teasing smile had dropped to a frown. And for once, Bakugou could feel this burning pain in his chest from his words.

"Oh c'mon, I was just joking. You don't have to be so depressed about it. You'll get better, right? Isn't that what the teachers say?" He mumbled the last two sentences not wanting his pride to get destroyed.

It turns out the one and only Bakugou Katsuki actually felt bad for people.

And especially for a girl he secretly had a crush on.

"What?! I am not getting depressed." You huffed, arms crossed your chest.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Now hurry. Pick something from the hat to pretend to be." He grumbled, starting to get impatient with you. That type of reaction had made you roll your eyes at him. He was so childish at times. Even if he didn't want to admit it.

He knew it too.

You pretended to act out as him, a secret piece of paper you snuck in there and he chased you around the room after that, whisper-yelling at you telling you to "shut the fuck up".

Trying to attempt more and more animals, you soon got tired telling Bakugou your eyes were starting to droop. Like very badly. And it was slowly starting to get hard to keep your eyes awake.

"I'm tired Katsuki.." You groaned, your whole body lying on the couch.

"C'mon, one more round? I've gotten even out the score-" He paused, lowering his voice halfway through his own sentence. He realized that you had quickly fell asleep on the perfect comfortable couch.

"Ugh. Of course you'd fall asleep before I could even beat you." He sighed, carrying you (may I note down, bridal style) to your room.

The things this man would do. Even ruin his own pride for you.

"Goodnight Y/n." He tucked you in as well as tucking in the excess hair you had on your face as you calmly dosed off.

He quietly tiptoed out of your room, quietly closing the door, making sure Aizawa didn't spot him staying up too late otherwise he'd be in big trouble.

Now Bakugou Katsuki's next mission was to figure out how to confess to his sweet little crush. And ask her out for Valentine's day.

━ 𖤐 february 2nd, 2021.

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