day nine.

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━ 𖤐 february 9th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 9th, 2021.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Uraraka waved a hand in your face, trying to get your attention, snapping you back to reality.

"Shit sorry, what were we talking about?" You said, uncrossing your arms, your full attention on Uraraka and Bakugou.

"Spaced out?" Bakugou asked, knowing real well you probably hadn't been getting enough sleep lately.

"Yeah. Just a bit tired." You said giving him a slight smile.

"So are we going to start this dumbass group project or not?" Bakugou said, his tone a little bit raised and rough making your headache become worse.

"Please, be a bit quieter, my head kind of hurts." You asked him politely hoping he wouldn't snap back at you.

"..Sorry." He apologized to you, his tone becoming soft like it would be when you guys hung out at night and he got too shy.

"Bakugou, did you just apologize?" Uraraka looked at him in shock, her voice being a bit raised. She didn't even know that Bakugou was capable of such a thing.

"Oh will you be quiet? Did you not just hear what she said?" He said telling her to lower it down, Uraraka giving her best apologies to you, feeling a big guilty for not listening to your words.

"So you care for Y/n!" Uraraka says giddily. Maybe she didn't have to ditch Deku after all.

"..Shut up."

"Oooo! Y/n and Bakugou huh...!" Kaminari said mischievously, clearly up to something saying from the seat behind you guys.

"Shut up, she's sleeping." He covered his mouth from any further yelling that was gonna come out.

It was true.

You were napping during class.

Which probably wasn't the best thing to do, but it was all because you hadn't been getting enough sleep. You looked so peaceful and cute while you were sleeping that Bakugou didn't want anyone to disturb you.

"I'll carry her back to her dorm." He said, carrying you, may I add, bridal style to your dorm. He exited the classrooms and surprisingly he was pretty stong to carry you all the way from the classrooms to the dorm rooms.

"It's so warm in here." You mumbled as you snuggled into Bakugou's chest.

"Yeah, I know." Bakugou chuckled lightly as he set you down on your bed, tucking you in. Afterwards opening the door to exit your dorm so you could get a good night's rest.

"The things I do for you, Y/n." He mumbled to himself, trying not to make any sound, closing the door.

He was down bad. And it was showing.

"What am I gonna do with you." He mumbled, smiling, placing his hands in his pocket.


"103 Fahrenheit?!" Mina exclaimed, looking at the thermometer again, but it said what it said.

And that probably explained the reason for your random tiredness and your headache. You should've known that.

"Please be quiet, you're going to give me another headache." You groaned.

Headaches were seriously the worst.

It messed up the way your smart brain worked.

"Hey, idiot." Bakugou came in with a tray, your favorite breakfast dish. Mina telling you that she had to go, leaving you two alone in the room together.

"Damn, did you actually make me breakfast?" You acted surprised when Bakugou had came in the room carrying the plate for you, placing it on your bed and lecturing you to sit up right.

"Yeah, don't underestimate my cooking skills." He rolled his eyes at you, pulling your spinny chair next to the bed so that he could sit and talk to you.

"Wow! House husband material much?" You laughed at him as you took in the fumes from the delicious dish, taking a bite at it. And to your surprise, he really was a good cook.

"Shut up and eat." He told you annoyed that you had made a comment like that. He knew you didn't like him like that so the way you kept making jokes like that made him mad.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked you, putting a hand to your forehead to feel your temperature.

"Yeah. Just a small headache. And weird warmness and coldness every five seconds." You told him, eating the dish he had made you pretty quickly, soon letting your legs hang off your bed.

"Lay down you crazy idiot." He told you, acting like he was your mother.

"Okay, okay! You should really try being nicer to people you know." You mumbled, crossing your arms, laying back down on your bed.

"Next time, eat with your mouth closed, remember?" He asked you, knowing that he had asked you that before.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't dodge the question." You said getting a big upset that he didn't want to even think about it.

"What question?" He teased, acting clueless.

"Oh shut up. Try to be nicer to people?" You told him, waiting for his reply, but all that came out of his mouth was silence.

"Nah." He finally responded after thinking real hard about it.

"Why not? You're nice enough to me." You complained, but slowly giving up on that idea. Plus nice Bakugou would be weirdly odd.

"We're coming in!" Uraraka and the other girls come rushing inside, Bakugou leaving his seat and getting up.

"Take care of yourself, Y/n." He left the room, giving you a hand, motioning that he was saying bye.

You rolled your eyes at him, frowning at the fact that he dodged your question.

"How are you Y/n?" Momo asked you, taking a seat where Bakugou had sat on.

"I'm good." You gave them a smile.

"I brought heat compressors just in case you get another stomach ache." Tsuyu told you, handing them to you.

"Here's an extra blanket if you need it." Hagakure handed you a blanket.

"I'm fine guys. There's no point in fussing over me, I'll be fine by tomorrow." You reassured them, trying to sound the most convincing as you could.

"Aw alright! But that reminds me, we saw Bakugou on our way here, was he here?" Uraraka asked, it sounding more teasing than it should.

"He was just checking up on me and stuff." You let her know, chuckling at some past events that had happened with him.

"Are you 100% sure he doesn't like you?" Mina asked you again.

"I don't know. It's just complicated." You sighed to them, not even knowing the answer yourself.

"Well, we'll let you figure it out! We're going to go now. Take care Y/n!" All of them told you, you thanking them for all of the gifts they were giving you.

"Bye!" You waved goodbye to them, too exhausted to even process everything that you had straight away fell asleep after they shut the door shut.

Bakugou knew the answer to your question.

He didn't like being nice to people because it felt as if he was letting his guard down. Plus, it was literally a part of his personality. And he only liked being nice to you because he had a spot for you. And only you.

━ 𖤐 february 9th, 2021.

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