day seven.

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━ 𖤐 february 7th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 7th, 2021.

"HUH? THIS DOESN'T LOOK LIKE MY ROOM." You woke up, rubbing your eyes, looking around the room for the slightest of recognition of where you were.

Oh yeah, you had fell asleep in Bakugou's room last night.

"Katsuki?" You mumbled to him, stomach lying on his bed, remembering the past events that had happened last night.

You had gotten too tired so you had decided to sleep in his room so that Bakugou wouldn't have to accidentally meet up with no one for the rest of the night. But before long, you had fell asleep on his bed and mumbled some things that probably shouldn't have been named. (You said poop in your sleep, making Bakugou even more confused than he already was.)

"Damn, did I really start talking about poop?" You asked him, with him nodding.

"Yup. You even talked about how it helps when you compost it." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes, waking up because of the fuss you were making.

"Oh god. That's embarrassing."

"Oooh! What's that? I smell pancakes." You inhaled the smell of pancakes as you got out of his bed, hurriedly walking down the stairs to the smell of pancakes being made.

"Morning Uraraka!" You said as you took a place on the island counter while Momo passed you a plate.

Momo was teaching Todoroki how to make pancakes, so they decided that they might as well use those skills to make everyone breakfast.

"Slept in Bakugou's room again?" She teased you, as she took a break, putting her elbows onto the table, her head resting on her hands.

"Yup. By the way, these pancakes are amazing damn." You said as you ate them up pretty quickly making Momo laugh afterwards thanking you for the compliment.

"Are you 100% sure that there's nothing going on with you guys?" Mina asked again, dragging every last letter of the words.

"Yes," You said swallowing your pancakes asking Momo if it'd be okay if you had seconds. "I'm sure."

"You don't even find him the slightest bit attractive?" Mina asked you again, trying to convince you to change your answer, Momo handing you a second plate. You thanking her for the plate and her letting you know that it isn't any trouble.

"Tell us everything Y/n!" Jiro said, all the girls start crowding around you guys. It was basically all the girls plus Todoroki.

The big crowd hovering over you, waiting for your answer was a little bit intimidating. You weren't going to lie. "Well, I can't lie, he is a bit attractive."

They nodded their heads waiting for you to continue, "And maybe he's fun to hang out with. But saying all this stuff is going to make me believe that I have a crush on him." And simply your last sentence made everyone in shock.

"You already fell. And real hard too." Mina stared at you in disbelief for being so oblivious and not even noticing it.

"...Did I?" You smiled sheepishly.

You knew the answer to your questions. You just hated confrontation.

"You should ask him out for valentine's day!" Hagakure encouraged you.

"Maybe..? What would I even give him? A letter? Tell him in real life? I don't know, all of those sound really scary to be honest." You laughed nervously, all the girls looking at you worried not too sure what was stopping you from asking him.

You just weren't so sure that Bakugou felt the same for you.

"Anyways! I'm going to help Sero and Kaminari with their laundry. They still haven't done that, so I think I'm going to help them." You said as you set your plate in the sink.

They were horrible at separating the colored shirts aside from the white shirts. And if there was another repeat of what happened last time you were sure that they'd end up with pink shirts again.


"You're doing it all wrong shitty hair!" Bakugou complained yelling so loud that even when the door was closed Kaminari and Sero could hear it.

"Is it like this then?" Kirishima was about to give up showing Bakugou his way of doing it.

"No! It's still wrong-" He gets cut off as Sero and Kaminari walk into the room, definitely wanting something from him. Kirishima could tell from the looks on their faces.

"Hey Katsuki!" Kaminari teased the blonde-haired male, using the nickname you had basically claimed for him.

"Don't fucking call me that." He growled back, looking at the two of them with a deadly glare.

"Favoritism? For our sweet little Y/n isn't it," Sero helped his friend Kaminari out; both on a mission: make Bakugou Katsuki too embarrassed to speak.

It was cruel, but they didn't care.

"Shut up." He said, lowering his voice not wanting people to listen in on their conversation.

"So, whats the deal with Y/n? Got a crush on her?" Kaminari asked him, messing around with a picture frame he had. It looked like a picture of you and Bakugou.

The same one you had in your room.

"No, that's stupid." He grumbled, getting up telling Kaminari to get away from his desk where the picture frame stood.

"Aww that's too bad then. Because I was planning on asking her out for Valentine's day." Sero teased him, gushing about the things he had planned out for you. (Which was all, sadly a lie.)

"No." He demanded.

"And why is that, Katsuki?" Kaminari teased the latter, making him annoyed with them, and he was too fed up so he gave in.

"Because.." He paused, not super sure if he wanted to say it. "I wanted to ask her." He mumbled very quietly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you?" Sero and Kaminari started bursting into laughter, putting their hands close to their ears to hear him clearer.

"Because I wanted to ask her damnit!" He yelled, quickly covering his mouth with his hand scared that you might've overheard him.

"Then ask her. What are you waiting for?? You both are clearly interested in each other." Kaminari tried to push him to ask you.

"No." He quickly denied, making Sero and Kaminari tease him, trying to convince him to ask you out.

━ 𖤐 february 7th, 2021.

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