day six.

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━ 𖤐 february 6th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 6th, 2021.

"AWW LOOK AT Y/N AND BAKUGOU. AREN'T THEY CUTE?" Mina gushed, her tone very squeaky, pointing to the both of you who were situated on the couch.

Getting everyone's utmost attention turning to you.

Oh my god, please shut the fuck up.

"Shut up.." You said as you cuddled into Bakugou's chest as he hugs you tighter. The both of you guys forgetting you guys were in public. But you couldn't help it, it was too warm.

Way too warm to let go of him.

"Aw! They really are the cutest!" Mina gushed even more telling Iida how cute they were.

"What's going on here?" Todoroki came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes to keep himself awake from all of the noise coming from downstairs.

"We should stop interrupting Y/n and Bakugou! It's very disrespectful!" Iida waved a hand back and fourth. Even though, if he was going to be honest he was a bit embarrassed himself to see such a sight.

"Oooo! Bakugou and Y/n, huh?" Uraraka gushed, taking a slice of bread from the bread loaf. She knew you weren't exactly one for love, but she secretly knew that there was a special someone involved. You just weren't the one for telling people that.

You hated rumors and she and Mina both knew very well.

"A-are Kaachan and Y/n dating?" Midoriya asks nervously.

"Y/n and Bakugou? I don't know how I feel about that..." Momo chews her nail nervously.

"How did that even happen.. kero kero." Tsuyu asks.

"We were having a movie after curfew and they just ended up falling asleep. We were supposed to go to a fast food restaurant after, but they fell asleep so we decided to stay with them and watch some other movies." Mina shrugged, whining towards the end of her sentence.

"Ohh, they're kind of cute!" Hagakure also gushed along with Mina with the idea.

"I agree with Hagakure." Tokoyami says as he drinks his black coffee.

It seems like almost everyone had something to say about you guys. And it was honestly disturbing your sleep by the most.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up. You guys are so god damn loud." Bakugou whined, rubbing his eyes, already half awake due to all the noise you guys were making.

And all these compliments about you guys looking good together was just making him mad. For whatever reason. He didn't even know why.

"Also, why were we cuddling?" You ask him, awakening, rubbing your eyes to make yourself feel more awake.

"You were the one who fell asleep on my lap, dummy." He said as he ruffled your hair.

"Aw! That's super cute!" Uraraka said as she held both of your hands in her lap as if you were about to get engaged.

"That is really cute." Hagakure hands me a piece of bread that was really plain.

"Thanks Hagakure." You thanked her as you started chewing on the piece of bread.

"Eat with your mouth closed. You idiot." He closes my mouth.

"Mmm." You said slowly as he flicks your forehead.

"Don't fall asleep you idiot." It was probably the third time he has called you an idiot. And so in order to get you to wake up just a little bit more, he took a bite of your bread.

"Hey! That was mine.." You said as you frowned.

"Too bad. I already ate it." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Didn't know you were the flirty type." You teased Bakugou as he told you to shut up as he walked away attempting to find something to eat as he had just left you there.

"Anything going on with you and Bakugou?" Todoroki asked you.

"Yeah, I'm curious too Y/n!" Uraraka gushed.

"Really?! You're interested?" You said surprised, him nodding as he ate a piece of toast too.

"It's just you guys were cuddling and I'm just curious and stuff." He said pretty shyly.

"You say it as if we're having sex." His cheeks had instantly went red, embarrassed that you even had the confidence to say something with such confidence.

"But we're just friends." You finished your toast as you got up, Bakugou hearing the whole conversation feeling a little bit disappointed when you had stated that you guys were just friends.

He couldn't help it.

But sometimes you thought differently of your answer.

But at the time, that was the best thing you could tell Todoroki. Above all, you hated rumors. And you knew he hated them too.

But you guys both knew that you guys were something more than that. You guys just hated the labels on it. And probably because Bakugou Katsuki was in fact one of the most pettiest people you have ever met in your entire life.


You opened the door to Bakugou's dorm, too tired to meet up with him later. Even if the night before you had gotten plenty of sleep, but today you just weren't feeling it.

And you didn't want Bakugou to wonder why you hadn't come so you just decided to visit him.

"Hey, let me sleep here tonight." You said as you hopped onto his bed, right next to him.

"Hey! My bed.." He yelled, lowering his voice as he realized you were already asleep cuddling close to him, hugging his torso tight.

Ugh fuck.

She's already asleep?

He could feel his own cheeks heating up, trying to cover it with his arm. But when he tried to raise his arm, you took his arm and started hugging it, confusing the fuck out of him.

"Hey, what were you and icy-hot talking about?" He asked you out of the blue, mumbling it so that he wasn't heard too much, but enough so that you were able to hear him.

"..Just some stuff that happened this morning."

"Is that it?" He asked you.

"Yeah, why are you asking? You curious?" You teased him, him disagreeing with you, and slightly patting your head, him meaning it for it to be more of a slap.

But it came off more light.

You guessed that he was more sensitive than you thought. And he definitely had a soft spot. And especially for you.

━ 𖤐 february 6th, 2021.

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