day eleven.

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━ 𖤐 february 11th, 2021

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━ 𖤐 february 11th, 2021.


"Nope, why? There's still three days left, and I don't think I'm going to get asked so I think I'm just going to hang alone or something." You laughed as you were trying to finish a math problem you had started.

"Yeah, I've still got to decide whether I'm going to decide to ditch Deku or hang out with you guys." Uraraka explains, holding a big tub of neapolitan ice cream.

"I've still got to think about it." You chuckle, finishing the problem and taking out your sketchpad.

"I mean. I really want him to ask me, but that'd be foolish. Because c'mon, the Bakugou Katsuki was not going to swallow his pride, just to ask a girl." You scoffed, laughing at even the slightest thought of him asking you.

"Maybe I can ask him. As friends, y'know?" You tried reasoning with yourself.

"And you should go hang out with Midoriya. You deserve it." You turned your chair around to look at Uraraka, giving her a big thumbs up, pencil in your hand.

"Are you sure?" Mina and Uraraka both look at each other asking you one more time to see if you were being sure.

"Yes. I am." You sit on your spinny desk chair, hugging your knees, continuing to sketch your half drawn Mikasa

"Okay...if that's what you want. But if you end up changing your mind, we'll be here for you." Mina and Uraraka give you a big thumbs up, making you smile at the both of them.

They were honestly such thoughtful people to cancel with their dates. Or her date. (Since Mina didn't have one and could care less about dates.)

"Oooo! Neapolitan! I want some!" You said as you rushed over to Uraraka making her giggle a bit.

"Same!!" Mina gushed as she rushed over to Uraraka, her picking chocolate, Uraraka picking vanilla and you picking strawberry.

Probably not how it was supposed to be eaten, but who cared? This was how you guys ate it.


"Hey, Bakugou what do you want to do?" You asked him, chewing on a peeled orange that you had randomly got.

He tenses up hearing the unfamiliar name from you.

Had he done anything wrong?

He hadn't thought so.

Maybe he should've stopped being so petty and just asked you out.

"Bakugou..huh." He repeated the words that had came out of your mouth.

"Shit, sorry. Slipped." You said trying to make an innocent look on your face because it truly was an accident.

"Whatever." He clicked his tongue, hands in his pocket walking to the kitchen to restock on his snacks.

"Hey, wanna watch another movie with the "Bakusquad"?" You asked Bakugou, getting up from your spot on the couch tempted to knock on Mina's dorm room. "Still don't know which genius decided to name it that. They could've named it the "Y/nsquad" or, or, the "N/nsquad."" You proposed disappointed in Mina for choosing Bakugou's name instead of yours.

"Why?" He asked, really not wanting them to ruin your alone time together again.

"Because," You paused, "You should. Socialize. Bring yourself out there like you do with me." You grinned at him, dragging him towards Mina's dorm room, him not wanting to budge at all, but you had enough strength to pull him to her dorm room.

"Fine." He gave in, following you to her room, and to his own surprise Mina was still awake reading some romance novel she had picked up on your shelf in your room.

"Mina babes!" You said as you rushed hugging her real tight as she hugged you back even tighter, Bakugou standing there watching the both of you hug. What a weird sight for someone like him.

Mina smirking, knowing that Bakugou was getting a little jelly jelly just from seeing you call her "babes" and hugging.

He was so jealous and he knew it.

Everyone was soon gathered in the common room, board game ready, everyone in a circle.

"Sooo, Y/n and Bakugou, want to talk about what's going on with you two love birds?" Sero teased the both of you.

"You guys d-a-t-i-n-g yet?" Kaminari planted the words inside Bakugou's head, making him flush with embarrassment.

"The fuck!" He yelled, moving his piece one step. The group of you guys playing monopoly, the most boring and simple game to ever exist in the entire world.

"You didn't deny it." Mina says yelling in victory, jumping up and down, Sero and Kaminari joining her in her mini party she was having.

"Deny what?" Bakugou asked her, confused, clicking his tongue again, annoyed that he had even agreed to be out here with you.

He should've just left when you brought that idea of letting the Bakusquad here.

"That you have a crush on Y/n." Sero says with a teasing tone, only to make Bakugou flush red. He couldn't even answer that because he was too embarrassed to say anything.

"Bakugou has a crush!" They all started humming, being very careful not to wake up anyone else, but still remain loud enough to embarrass him, making you giggle.

"And! His! Crush's! Name! Is! Y/n!!" They all gushed, saying the words separately making Bakugou even more flustered, absolutely zero words coming out of his mouth, not being able to speak a word.

You couldn't deny it, you could definitely feel your cheeks heating up a bit, but it was just all fun and games so you just laughed it off.

"I'm leaving." He finally says, face flushed, getting up, hands in his pocket running off to his dorm.

"I'll get him back. And if I don't you won't see me because I'll probably be sleeping in his dorm." You told them rushing off.

Breaking into his room,

"Make room, I'm coming in."

━ 𖤐 february 11th, 2021.

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