· Big box ·

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plot: its something jschlatt really desires
-short chapter
-hello simps thank you for the 1k, i really appreciate it :)

I heard the bell coming from outside of our house, indicating someone is outside the house. I know schlatt's too busy to even bother to open the door so what a good citizen would do I got up and open the door

to my surprise it was a huge box on our porch, I didn't order anything maybe it's for him. I observed the large box, but it seems legit.

I drag the box inside our house, it wasn't heavy it was just too big to carry. I stared at it for a good minute, shook it, looked at the tag, and read the seal, but it didn't say what the hell is inside this box

“Hey? what's up?”schlatt came down, with his vintage crewneck and his new york hat, now I knew that he was recording. “Did you order this?”

I moved out of his view, and he walked towards the box, “It is, you wanna see what's inside?”

I glanced at his eyes, he looked excited as hell, like he finally found something he lost for years. “Uh, sure”

“Wait here” he ran back up, which loud footsteps were booming around the house, he is truly a giant in my heart

He comes back with a cutter and a red box? He put the red rectangular box on the floor which I didn't see clearly. “So, I was scrolling through TikTok-”

My brain still doesn't understand “Then I found this monkey laying down on this wooden floor, eating apple but the thing is, he's just spitting it out afterwards” I nodded, which I am caught up with his story

he opened the box, it has some white styrofoam and cellophane. “And he has some white chops, and the monkey looks closely like me”

“Uh-huh? where are you going to this story?” he pulled the styrofoam, and a black thing is covered with cellophane, I squat beside him, trying to understand it

“I was so interested with the monkey, i began to get a little obsessed with it”

He pulled it and, it was a monkey light holder, I looked at him and he was so excited he smiled “It's a monkey!”

“And get this” he pulled the red box and it was a lightbulb “Oh wow, thats kinda cute”

“I know!” he screws the lightbulb onto the monkey and stretched the plug, he finds an outlet and plugged it

He smiled, and he genuinely happy about the lamp. “Schlatt, thats so cute” I turned on the lamp, and it was actually pretty bright, I covered my eyes

“Im glad you like it because im gonna put it on our bed” he unplugged it and put it on the table

“The monkey lamp stays on during sex”

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