· Falling out of love ·

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plot: trying to call themselves lovers but it just doesn't work out
-you guys really like the angst i made, you okay?

we were kids, we didn't know how love works, we thought love was supposed to give each other hugs or kiss each other's cheeks, no it was more than that. Between Me and him, we weren't so lucky, to begin with

We always got into each other's nerves, talk about this, talk about anything that wasn't even love related, we were so blind to the point we got an arrangement to ignoring everything we did and just makeup

I always get busy with my work, and so does him, we can't even sleep on each other's side cause of his sleep schedule and mine. No one knew why we were still together, or why we still live on the same roof, nothing makes sense

Every day I sometimes think about him hugging me or carrying me, the thought of that makes my heart feel empty inside, it may seem that I had nothing to feel about him but deep inside me I still want to fix our relationship

Maybe is its because we're married that we can't let each other go? or is it because we're tied to something that doesn't tie a knot? It was complicated to answer everything that pops out of my mind

I still deny the word that is still in my brain, but nothing will still change that the fact that a huge blind spot will never be erased

"Hey" he walked down the stairs, I placed a plate parallel to my plate, so we could eat breakfast in front of each other

"I made breakfast" I put my plate on the table so we could eat together for once

He picked up his plate "Can I eat in my office, I have things to do" he peaked inside the fridge and whip out a cold coffee

"Oh yeah sure, I'm working soon" I saw him go back with his plate, I sighed and continue to eat my breakfast in peace.

I wanted to work things out but everything I do is just not enough, I always got him anything that I could produce but it just doesn't make any sense

Sure we sometimes watch a movie together but it just feels empty, no talking between the movie or after the movie, but sometimes he kisses me in the head or on the lips and I know there's still love in between us


I drove home after a long shift in work, my back really doesn't want to cooperate with me. I parked my car and got my things with me

I opened the door and sat down on our soft and comfy sofa, I close my eyes and try to forget that all the hard things that I've encounter weren't bad.

I heard soft footsteps coming from the floor, so I knew who the person is and I didn't bother to open my eyes cause I know he's gonna get some water or drink on the fridge

"Hey" I opened my eyes to see him sitting beside me "Hi, what's up? Do you need anything?" I stared at him, my heart suddenly felt more alive than before

"I just wanted to see my wife" he moved closer to me and placed his head on my shoulder "You smell good, is that the detergent I bought?" he looked at me.

"Yeah, it is" I place my hands onto his head and stroke his brunette, soft hair "Why are you doing this?"

he looked at me still on my shoulder "Do what?" I decided to lower my head onto his head so I was stack into him "This, this hugging and getting close all of a sudden"

"[ Y/n ] what are you talking about?" I guess he can't feel what im feeling every single time I am beside him.

"I just... we barely do this and it's an odd thing to do, dont you think?" I said I didn't mean to say it like that but if no one gonna talks about it then maybe I should

he looked at you, soft stares were in his eyes "Your probably right, we just never feel the same way as we met" he whispered, I held onto his hands and kissed it

"We can maybe work things out?" I know we can change if we work things out

"Do you want to?"

"of course" without a warning, he kissed my lips, I missed this so much. I hugged him with all my might and does he

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