· i need help ·

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plot: Schlatt's been walking around trying to find specific things to fix his table, but he bumped into a newbie worker

-inspired by a book
-short chapter
-sorry I was hibernating thats why it took me long


Schlatt's pov

I just need only one thing

Walking with my things to fix my new table, I went left to right trying to find the right aisle that might help me

I've been here for a minute, the market is so big that I may haven't seen all aisles yet. My feet were starting to hurt from all the walking, I might need to call an employee

I found someone and walked toward them, tapping their shoulders

"oh hello, can I help you?" why did they sound so distressed.

"I just need this tool"

I showed the phone to maybe give them the idea of the tool I needed to find, maybe I was in the same aisle as the tool or it may be far from the aisle

"oh, the... the security star screwdriver?" I nodded my head, they looked around trying to get some landmark

"follow me" we started to walk around, it must be very far away from where we stopped. We've been turning around in every aisle.

I think they dont know where we're actually going, but I still followed them, they must be right I just dont know

They stopped walking, looking lost, I could feel like the turn wasn't right

"U dont actually know where we're gonna go, are u?"

"No no, I know where it is..."

"it's in this next aisle, I know"

To ur guess, it wasn't the right lane

( Y/n )'s pov


It wasn't it, man this sucks I thought I knew the aisles already, I know where the things by looking at the big card that was hanging by the ceiling, guess I didn't really listen

"it's not the right aisle..." Still looking around, trying to find someone that might help this man find his tool

"great, my feet hurt, and I didn't even get to get my screw"

"well im sorry pretty boy but im still new here"

he sighed as I closed my eyes trying to remember to whether or no it was here, I snapped my fingers as I remember screws were supposed to be hanging into a narrowed shelf "I know, where it is now"

he groaned, "dont tell me your lying. are u sure?"

"Nope, come on" I held on to his shoulder as I drag him, I could feel that he is crying inside

I tried to find the narrow shelf as there it was, thank god

his eyes were deceived by it "no wonder it's hard to find, it's covered in white plastic shit"

I was happy finally, I did something I finished without any my co-worker's help, he looked at his shoulder

"You can let go now"


He picked the tool as I walk away, it was a very long journey as I thought it was, sighed as I was about to get back

"Hey, thanks" I smiled as I nod

"no problem buddy"



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