Let's runaway Ā· (PART I)

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plot: [ Y/n ]'s parents disapproved of the relationship between her and schlatt, and vice versa
-give me ideas pls, or im gonna cry. yes im pity asking but can you pls give me ideas that would be great :]

—third person


“Stop talking to that man,” she thought, as her mother's voice keeps echoing to her mind. How can [ Y/n ] stop talking to him when all her sanity is going to one person, schlatt. she sat down at her table, trying to keep her calm down while she draws someone who she loves, putting some soft sketches, and some outline

Looking down she never understood why her parents don't want them to be together, while their love became stronger, their parents quickly pulled the plug and tried to keep them separated. she got up and sat down on her bed, she didn't want to look at both her parents now, if only she could talk to him, this moment would be a little better, but you dont always get what you want

while [ Y/n ] thought of something on her bed, schlatt never realize how much hate they throw at [ Y/n ]'s back, he wanted to see her for comfort but, his parents lock him up in his room. He stares at the dark sky, as stars shine scattered around the sky, he wishes he could look at them as her beside him.

What they don't know is that their parents have past together, going to a lot has gone them to think that getting them together wasn't a great idea, yet they dont know how much [ Y/n ] loves him, and so does J. Their parents don't care if [ Y/n ] misses him, their parents only care about their names and reputation


as the days pass by, they keep sneaking out of the castle as they hide from the people to get out of the controversy.

Sitting down on the shades as they lay down on the tree, close to each other [ Y/n ] leaned her head to his shoulder, as she looked at the blue sky. “Lets runaway,” he said, out of the blue, she stared at him, trying to see if he was joking, “Your kidding, right?” they looked at each other's eyes

“Do you want to?” she said, as she picks some grass under her

“Of course, when im with you I am a better man” He didn't even hesitate, and she smiled as her cheeks got pink he never fails at making her blush. “Me too” and [ Y/n ] laid back to his shoulders, as he put his hand around her waist.

“If we do that, where are we supposed to go?” she whispered, as the atmosphere became a little quiet, it was nice “Whatever we want, just go with the flow” he laid his head on her head, the wind blowing through south made her hair flow. “Wherever you go ill be by your side,” she said, as the clouds were starting to scatter, he kissed her forehead and whispered I love you to her which she greatly said back

they kept walking trying not to look suspicious in the individuals' eyes, they got their goodbye kiss and walked back to their kingdom

—[ Y/n ]

I walked to the gates trying to act as normal as ever and just continue what I want to do, but I found my mom walking towards me, so did a little curtsy in front of her “Good afternoon, mother” she looked at me, judgment is in her eyes “Fix your posture, [ Y/n ]. we dont want you looking like a monster” I rolled my eyes and fixed myself “And look straight while walking” adjusting my posture, looking straight and walked away from my mother

As the end of the day goes by, I thought about what he said and maybe running away would be a good idea, but what if they will kill him, or me.

I couldn't fall asleep, my eyes stay open, thoughts have been running on my mind. Listing all the things that I will be bringing if we decide to run away

Looking down, somethings on my gut that would eventually reveal itself.

Every day they met each other in the tree they once hid in, it was going great when someone told [ Y/n ]'s parents and they locked [ Y/n ] and J in their room with just a hole on the door to slide on the food they consume.

They weren't cuffed or can't get out of their room, they're just monitored 24/7, so pretty much she cant have privacy except for the bathroom, which was a great way to escape

They planed the running away earlier than before, so they knew where they see each other and meet each other

She packed foods, from where she eats and hides under her shirt, then a cloak for hiding their identities, extra clothes, and some spare money, it was an operation runaway from their parents


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