· Brother's best friend ·

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plot: Ted is your brother and he needed company to go with him on La, but Ted didn't know that one of his friends is falling in love with his sister


-pls request my brain is empty
-old chapter
-no thoughts

— Ted

I packed my things into my blue bag, I double-checked if I missed some things that I wanted to bring, I wanted to bring extra clothes but my bag was already full and I feel like I needed to bring this shirt, I looked around trying to fix my bed, and the dirt on the floor, and everything dirty in my room. I heard a knock on the door as I closed the bag I walked downstairs and I saw my little- well she's not little but she's still my sister, putting something on the tabletop,

"Hey Ted, I bought food" she smiled, and I walked up to the counter and looked at what she bought, she got a subway sandwich and some drinks. I noticed that [ Y/n ] is on the couch watching the tv, I took one and take a bite of it. "Ted, dont eat the other one, thats mine" I hummed and continue to eat the sandwich. I walked to her, bringing her sandwich with me, her bag was beside her which I moved the bag a little, and gave it to her the sandwich which she took it from my hand and I sat down

"What time is it?" I said to [ Y/n ], she looked at her watch while trying to not spill the sandwich "six twenty-four. only twenty-one minutes till the flight" I got up and throw away the wrapping paper and went upstairs to get my bag, I thought that maybe her bag isn't stuffed. "Hey [ Y/n ] is your bag filled, cause I need to put something!" I shouted so that she could hear me upstairs "I think I could fit one!"

I ran downstairs, bag on my back I almost trip but I quickly stable myself and back to running. I throw the shirt to her face, "Really, Ted?" I looked around the house to check if some appliances were plugged, or this house is gonna burn.

"Com' on man, we dont have all day" I heard [ Y/n ] shouting outside the house, I got the keys and locked the door securely, and its the perfect timing because the taxi/cab was there.


— third person

as the two didn't do anything the whole flight, well maybe Ted editing his videos and [ Y/n ] listening to her music in her AirPods while looking through the window, after a good minute [ Y/n ] was in deep sleep while laying down on her brother's shoulder, Ted wasn't bothered by it, she wasn't that heavy.

He shook the girl beside her, as she opened her eyes and stretch a little in her seat, she removed her left airpod and listened to the pilot through the speaker, she rubbed her eyes and put her pods back and looked outside, as Ted stopped editing and closed his laptop as they could feel the airplane landing

they got their things and waited for Ted's friends, [ Y/n ] yawn and sat down over the airport metal chairs as the music still beats on her ears, she was still sleepy from all the things she did last night, like putting her unwanted things to the trash and studying for her major. shes just really tired

After a while, she blasted some rock music to keep her awake but still didn't work. Ted removed the airpods to her ears “Hey [ Y/n ], do you want coffee?” she didn't even notice that he removed it. “Maybe not, I can't drink coffee”

“Oh yeah, maybe you could sleep later” she nodded and continue to listen to the song. After a while, Ted saw his friends Charlie, and Cooper

“Hey, guys” they great each other but as for [ Y/n ] shes just standing tiredly, “Oh this is my sister, [ Y/n ]” they shook hands, and smiled

“Nice to meet you, again” Charlie said, as Cooper shake her hands “You too”


They parked the car in the garage and grabbed their stuff, [ Y/n ] looked at the house in Awe, the house was big and sparkly. she wanted to look around but she was still sleepy “Hey Charlie, can I ask you something”

“Yeah, sure” they walked to the circular stairs, “Who's gonna be living here for a while?” she said as she sat down on the soft couch leaving her bag on the side “A lot of people actually” she nodded and she wanted to fall asleep on the couch but Ted woke her up “No not here, come on” he helped her got back up

“Coop, wheres the beds?” she was wobbling and turning, but Ted helped her stay steady by putting his hand on her shoulder “Just take a left there then you can all see the beds” Cooper pointed at the parts, Ted nodded and helped [ Y/n ]

“You sleep here for a while okay?” Ted put the bag on the ground, as [ Y/n ] laid down on the soft pillow and the soft blanket, not even a minute she fell asleep deep, Ted put the blanket to her feet all the way to her shoulders

No one knew that Ted's sister was asleep on the bed except Ted, Charlie, and Cooper, no one even knew that she was there, to begin with. As the people started to get to the house, the more noise was inside the house

The last person to arrive at the house was, schlatt. They greeted each other smiling, laughing making fun of each other, etc. Ted forgot to tell the boys that her sister was accompanied by them. schlatt wanted to pee so badly, so he asked anyone, and they told schlatt that there's a room with a connected bathroom, he didn't even bother to finish what he said and just ran to the nearest room, to which where [ Y/n ] slept on.

he didn't notice the girl sleeping on the bed, but focused on not peeing himself. After a while, he flushed the toilet and washed his hands, he got out and he noticed a girl sleeping peacefully, he didn't deny that the girl was gorgeous, her [ h/c ] hair scattered on her face, as her facial features were additional, he moved a little close to the girl and looked at her as sparkles shine on his eyes

— [ Y/n ]

I felt a hand on my face moving my hair, I moved my hair for myself cause it didn't move a lot of hair, I didn't open my eyes cause I thought that was, Ted. I felt awake now I was ready to start my day "Ted, pls stop staring at me, it's creepy” I opened my eyes snd it wasn't Ted, it was a man, with fluffy brown hair, and pale skin, I moved away and sat down criss-cross applesauce, looking at him confused, I didn't know this man

“Hi, Can I help you?” he was stunned, I didn't know what to do but to start a conversation “Oh I was just... admiring you...” I smiled a little bit but kept it “Okay...”

“Im just gonna... go” he walked to the door, this will be awkward, but I dont want that “Wait! dont go!” I mid-shouted, he was about to twist the nob, but he stayed “I dont want us to be uncomfortable to each other, so let's get to know each other” I smiled

“I'm [ Y/n ], Ted's sister” they shook hands, as [ Y/n ] smiled, and so does schlatt

“Im schlatt, your future husband”


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