· Distance ·

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plot: Christmas is almost up, but they cant meet each other, so they did what they can see each other
-imagine if going outside is temporarily forbidden till christmas
-sorry I did this late at night so sorry if its trash I'll fix it tomorrow :)


The wind is getting colder, people still can't go outside as the pandemic is still right around the corner. She wishes she could meet her significant other on this holiday but alas nothing will ever change this climate

She sat down on her chair talking to her friends, mumbling about all the things they would on Christmas day inside their houses. She kept her ears into the conversation but all she could process right now is how warm it is if her snuggle buddy would be here


She reached for the christmas lights on the attic inside a box full of Christmas decors, she decided to decorate the house so it looks nice for once. She struggles but she still did it without a lend of hand, she felt joy inside her like a boy who found that her mom gifted her 1000 Robux

[a/n: sorry I had to add that]

The more she puts decors inside her house the more it became colorful, but she focused on the one that she liked the most, the plastic Christmas tree. To be fair it wasn't all that bad but she was most certainly proud of her tree

5 days to go till Christmas, but she wishes to have a Christmas with someone like her family or friends may be her boyfriend, she looked around colors scattered around her house feel so nice inside.

She decided to watch a movie, she did everything on her list now she needs a relaxing time with her bed and tv


4 days to go and she was excited to finish her job, cause the christmas holiday was coming, it was a work at home type of job where she sits down, take a break and maybe sleep for an hour. She got up and took stretches, bone crackling was heard

She cooked some meals when her phone started ringing signaling that someone wants to ft. She cleaned her hands and swiped them open

"Hi, honey, what's up?"
she said, as he smiled at her, he misses her face even though they called yesterday, she smiled back, which made both of there hearts melt

"Hello sweetie, I just want to see your face, is that a crime?"
she smiled again, trying to focus on not burning the food

"I didn't eat yet, and I didn't cook fast enough" she wiped her hands on a towel and held the phone in her other hand while the other stir the food

"Oh we should eat together, I ordered food for my dinner" she nodded with a smile "Yeah, we should"

After [ Y/n ] was done cooking, they waited for his food to be delivered but while they were waiting, they talked about a lot

"You know I like what you did there"
he said, which she looked at him confusion is all she can process now

"Huh? what do you mean? I didn't do anything"
she heard a snicker on the other line, which made her even more concerned "Look behind you"

she scanned the room, now her mind was clearer "Oh okay. I just want to get the house look presentable"

"Okay I think my foods here, be right back"
she nodded and, followed him out of the screen with her eyes, she placed her food properly, trying to make her table clean

As they were eating, they asked questions like "What's that?" or "How's the food on your side?", but as the time past by, [ Y/n ] needed sleep to keep her sleeping schedule on time

"Goodnight, sweetie. We should do that always"
she yawned covering her face and nodded in agreement "Yeah we should..." she felt her eyes begin to close, as she didn't even bother to listen to what schlatt said

"Sweetie? are you still there, I was going to say is that we should do this on Christmas eve-"
he notices that her eyes were shut close, breathing slowly, he stared at her for a second looking at her facial features, he could fall over and over again with just a glance

"Goodnight, sweet dreams"


Todays the day for the big celebration that people have constantly waiting for, gift exchanges, gift-receiving you name it.

[ Y/n ] was busy, making her foods for herself, it wasn't a lot but thats enough for her. She didn't want some fancy food, she wanted to eat just for the tradition on Christmas day, placing the plates on the table properly, she never felt accomplished by looking at her dinner table

she smiled at the mirror checking herself out, a red dress with a knee-high length fitted her perfectly. She checked her time and it was time for her to turn on her laptop

She put the laptop parallel to her and placed it in front of her. She ft him and without a heartbeat, he picked up

"You looked nice, as always"
he smiled which she blushed, it never fails to make her blush by the sweet words comes out of the man in front of her "You too"

"Come on let's eat, I'm starving"
they put the food on the table which they can see each other's food, "Oh, wow that looks delicious" he said, she smiled and whispered a thank you,

They talked about a lot while they still eating, she decided to open a red wine and a fancy glass, but he just got a can of diet coke which they toast through the screen

"Merry christmas, [ Y/n ]"
he chugged his canned coke and looked at her "merry christmas to you, J" she drank the wine and smiled

"I wish I could kiss you right now"
he looked at smiled at her, which she felt her fall for him, all over again "Me too, we'll meet again... In-person"

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