· first time he kissed a boy ·

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plot: says the title

-here you go he/him ppl, I hope you have a good day/night
-ill fix it later
-not clear on where I was going to go


my heart was beating fast, I don't know what I was feeling but it made my body burn, I left the room to get some fresh air, I sat down near the window, making my legs dangle onto the curb and opened it ajar trying to get a good amount of air. I rubbed my chest trying to breathe normally

the night sky with the stars scattering around it made it look so pretty

This feeling was odd to me, it made me feel some kind of things, I don't know why but was so new to me

I stared at my hand, I don't know if it was an accident but the warmth of his hands was so soothing,

My heartbeat became slower as I was feeling calm, I didn't want to get back but I don't want us to be awkward. I somehow will miss his laugh

"-hi" he mumbled looking at him, as the floor creaked as he walks to towards me

"hey" I sighed, still looking at his eyes

his stare made me feel nervous, I never knew how his stare makes me suddenly nervous

"Why did you leave?"

"erm, I just needed some air, that's all"

he slightly moves closer to me, I look down trying to act normal, and make me look like I wasn't panicking inside

"you wanna go back, I heard they're switching the movie into something scary" he quietly mumbled

"no it's fine, you can go tho, I'm fine staying here," I said while rubbing my chest once again

he moved slowly and held onto my hand, as I was about to say something, our face touched and our lips connected

it was a quick kiss but I was lost for words, I looked at him as he backed away

I grasped on his sleeve to stop him from moving away from me, my jacket touching my skin made me feel like I was going to burn, pulled him towards me and kissed him again to show that I liked the kiss too


each day I couldn't keep my thoughts straight, all that was in my brain was the kiss and I know I liked it but I didn't know if I'm ready for a relationship, it was all too fast.

I don't know if I just like the attention he gives me or am I really into guys, making me think about my sexuality. I have no problem being in the community

walking in the halls, I ignored him for days now, I didn't know what I was feeling but the rush being with him was such a fun thing inside me.

I imagine stuff on what would happen if i didn't kiss him back, would we still stay friends? would he just brush it off as a joke? I was confused now

I got to my class, which he was in it, and mind you we sit next to each other so I couldn't ignore him or just act like he is was just another animate object

he wasnt still there but I know that he will be a little late cause of how he rarely gets in class on time. I knew him by heart so I know what time he goes and gets home to class, it was weird to keep him in tab but I'm his best friend after all. or was it just that you liked him so you know every detail and every stuff he does

There he is with messy hair and his black headphones on, he looked like a mess, like he hadn't taken care of himself, but still, looked good. he sat down next to me, and just on time the teacher walked inside our class

the class was okay but the constant stare was bothering me and I couldn't tell why but I think he wants to just say something to me.

"[ Y/n ], can we talk?" he looked at me with an approving look

"Can we just talk after school?-" I continued to write on my paper as the teacher kept talking about how the earth works and how we might die for a couple of years cause of how populated the earth is

"-plus what are we gonna talk about? the kiss? it was an accident, didn't really mean to give you intention" it broke my heart, it wasn't true but lying was the only way to get him off of my ass

He just continued to write stuff on his notebook, acting like he was actually listening "we both know your lying, [ Y/n]" I looked at him, my body was heating up, like something was boiling


After school I walked home, I didn't wanna ride any vehicle back to the dorm, I just want to have peace with nature, plus I didn't wanna encounter someone I know. walking down a park some people were having fun while people just rest on the bench, I sat down near under a tree and just watch people have fun

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I liked how he knows that I was clearly lying abt what I said. I sighed as I look through my backpack and got a book

"[ Y/n ]!" I quickly looked around, trying to find the person who called me. And cue in time schlatt was running towards me, I just stared at him as he catches his breath,

"Schlatt? what are you doing here?" he coughed and slammed his palm in his chest as he breathes. "Now can we talk?"

I just nodded and flipped the page as I continued to read "Why were you ignoring me?"

"I don't know, man, i really don't know what i was feeling. I like you, but it just confused me more so-"

he kissed me for the second time "shut up, I like you too, I'm confused too but let's discover something together" he smiled, I felt so hot again, fireworks were going off inside me

I placed my hands on his cheek as I slowly kissed him but it was much slower than the last two

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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