· I dont wanna cry ·

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plot: [ Y/n ] is sick and tired crying her eyes out, trying to fix her relationship

-this was inspired by a song

—[ Y/n ]'s POV


I was on the floor, crying for how many hours, I laid down on the ground looking like a clown listening to some music while eating some chips. I didn't even bother to take off my dress, this was supposed to be his favorite dress that I wore, but now I can't even think of him without crying.

I looked back, as he boards his flight I didn't know what to expect, and will never forget that time, I was too naive to see that he was bored of me and that he wanted more

'will he come back?' I thought to myself, that sentence keeps echoing through my brain, of course, he's not gonna come back what were you thinking, you're just his useless girlfriend, who can't even do anything then to be alive

something inside me felt bitter, I was too blind to see all the hints he gave, I started to cry again, my eyes were red and it's starting to hurt me, I just want to be whole again but now I got my heart shot by a bullet called, grieve

I don't want to cry anymore, I just want my heart to be fixed, to be loved and respect, but how are other people love me, where I can't even accept myself and take care of it

was it because you felt my love wasn't secured or was my eyes still swollen from all those crying that I can't see anything.

I just want him, and only him

no one will love me as he did, with his soft hug, and gentle kiss to my checks, and that scent that sticks to your nose, I miss him so much

if I didn't fucked it all up, twice he would be beside me, trying to calm me down. helping me love myself, but all he did was destroy it

I felt like I wasn't good enough for him, he was never really there for me in every situation but I need him

begging for him to never leave me again I didn't want this to happen again I tried everything, taking care of him, give all my love to him, and give him all the attention but nothing worked

"Please don't leave me" I looked down, trying to stop my tears, I was still holding his hands "please give me one more chance 'cause I wanna try" at this point, he didn't let go of my hands, I was a mess.

"I wanna try, and ill do more" he stayed silent, I could feel his hand slip a little to my cold hands, I didn't want to cry in front of him but I didn't know that it started to spill

"I don't wanna cry, no more" I stared at him, as tears fall off my face "just pls..." he mumbled, as his other hand put it on my hand "I can't do this anymore"

"Why are you leaving me, is it because of my looks or my attitude tell me pls" my heart was aching as he looked at me

"tell me, so I can change" I was having a mental breakdown inside my brain

"thats the problem, you always change. I just want the old her, I want my real [ Y/n ], not this girl in front of me" he put his hands on my cheeks and caressed it, "I don't want you to change because of me, I just want the old you back"

I felt like I wasn't the victim of this relationship, I was the suspect "I just want you to find yourself again, love yourself first before me, and possibly we'll meet again"

"Remember never put yourself on something you cant do, okay?" I nodded as tears were dripping down my face, he wiped my face with his thumb and hugged me, his vanilla scent will always be stuck to my nose

"I love you"

"I love you too"


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