· Lemonade ·

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plot: partners decided to make a lemonade stand for their project
-I'm sorry :D


"Move a little" I stared at the stand, trying to focus on balancing the plank. He held the wood in the right position, and I gesture to stop moving. He held the position while a put nails on our stand

School projects suck ass, you need to make a business to pass the class, which was the horrible cause im partnered with one of the quiet people in our class and a shy one too, Johnathan Schlatt.

I mean he's okay to be my partner, it just we've never talked to each other so this project is gonna be a little awkward

"Is it okay now?" he got down on the chair he propped on, he stared at it and nodded. I looked at him, he stared back it was a good minute when he cleared his throat and looked down

"So, tomorrow morning we'll make the lemonade-" he walked around the station that we're supposed to make money "Where are we making again?"

"In my house, cause no one's home tomorrow other than me" he got his backpack and nodded,

"Welp, I guess ill see you tomorrow ma'am" he saluted and smiled, I waved goodbye and smiled back. This man is really interesting


I gather all the things we need for the lemonade stand, I put the sack of lemons on the table, sugar, the juicer, and a knife just for cutting all the lemons, and I checked the ice to see if they're still there, yup.

I waited for my partner to get here, I didn't know that we live in the same block, I just dont see him walking around this neighborhood, man I really dont have a lot of friends

I stared at my black screen tv, thinking of how much profit we'll make if we lower or higher the price, honestly we only want evidence like how much money we spent on the lemonade stand or how we make it, pretty much a reciept for the things we used

I heard a knock on my door, that must be J.

"Hello," I said, he was wearing a yellow shirt with black jeans, brown timbers, and his bag. I gesture him to come in "Sorry for the mess, our maid wasn't here yesterday"

"This is a mess for you? well dang, my house would look like a maze compare to yours" I smiled and continue to guide him to my kitchen. I showed him the ingredients and he got to the counter and inspected everything

"This should be easy right?" he asked me, I shrug and decided to start cutting the lemon in half


"Wait, wait so he cartwheeled?" I contained my laughter inside, as he put his hands on his stomach "Yes! And get this not only he cartwheeled on the slide, he falls off,!-" We laughed like it was the funniest thing that happened

The chuckle eventually died down, and I smiled and continued putting the squeezed lemon in a glass pitcher

I thought that this was gonna be awkward, but it's actually the opposite he talks a lot like we've been friends since kids. Somethings about him that is really interesting, he may look quiet but oh jeez he's the noisiest people I know, but in a good way of course

I felt my hair moved on the back of my ears, I looked at him and he looks down, "I just moved your hair because it might bother you"

"It's okay, thanks" I smiled and looked down

"You know, lemonade tastes delicious when you put sugar in it, at first lemons taste sour, disgusting to drink, and extremely acidic, but when you put sugar-" he poured a cup of sugar in the glass pitcher, and mixed it

"It makes the lemon, a delicious summer drink" he got a glass cup, and put ice inside, and gave it to me

I held the glass and drank it and it was good "Hey, it tastes good, you wanna try it?" I handed him my glass and he drank a little

"Yeah it does, im pretty good at making lemonade" he smiled at me

"Not too sweet and not too lemony. Just right" I stare at his eyes, and he stared back. It was quite peaceful

"You know the more we talk, the more I feel like we could be friends," I said as he smirked. He towered over me, which I felt little "me too"

"Sometimes when I walk home, I always see your face, not to sound creepy or anything but-"

He looked down in his hands, putting his hands on my shoulder "You looked beautiful and sweet, and I wished I could talk to you sooner but was too much of a pussy to even look at you in the eyes" he chuckled

I smiled, and put my hands on the countertop with his hand beside mine "I was interested in you too, but when I look at you, I feel like you dont talk to a person like me"

"Maybe we could get to know each other" I placed my hands on his chin and he glanced at me "Yeah, that would be a good idea"

"Now that's out of the way, Let's start making money" I smiled and put my hands on his shoulder so we were close "YEAH!"

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