· rain ·

891 16 1

plot: just your average rainy days

(ɴᴏ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴs)
-boo! I'm back, here is a clichè chapter.
-sorry for the mistakes, I'm tired rn


Good thing you got home while the rain wasn't pouring hard outside, you sat down with your laptop as you look around on the internet.

There wasn't interesting on it, the same thing as always, schlatt is sitting down beside you while he also scrolls to whatever social media he wanted, the rain hitting the outside floor is loud

He slowly laid his head onto your shoulder as you lay on his head, this was the days that you wish it would last

"I'm bored" he let go of his phone, and looked at your laptop, to be honest, you were kinda tired of the same thing you see "me too"

He closed your laptop and you quickly removed your fingers as you got scared it might slam onto your hands. You look at him as he moves away from you and lay on the couch pillow

"What do you want to do anyway,?" you said, as removing the laptop on your lap and exchanged it with a pillow

"something not boring" you nodded like you knew what to do but you both know you got nothing to say

You think of something you both like to do together "what about a movie?" you said as he thinks for a second, you heard him hum

"Nah, we've been watching movies every single day"

"Falling asleep?"

"I said not boring" you got nothing in your mind now, the rain was still pouring so you looked outside

He looks at the window and thinks of an idea "What if we go outside and just count raindrops-"

"-or just look at it" you shrugged and just go with him. You got into your rubber slippers and opened the door as you look at the gloomy clouds pouring rain, the rain hitting the grass was kinda comforting, he put a hand on your shoulder as you focused on the smell of the rain

"Can you smell the rain?" you said to him, he looked confused "What?"

"Nevermind, you have a weak sense of smell"

You and him were just standing on the porch as he suddenly pushed you out of the dry part of it.

You whined as your socks were starting to get wet from the puddle formed on the pathway "You bitch!!", Your clothes were now soaked as he laughed, he really didn't mean to push you but it was fun for him to see you suffer

"I feel so violated" feeling your wet clothes sticking on your body, it was a weird feeling but it was a bit okay

He was still laughing, but it was more smiling now, "You look so funny"

You got his hand as you yank him into the rain, he didn't expect it as he was slowly getting soaked. It was your turn to laugh at him

"Haha, that's your karma-"

He tackles you away from the porch as he hugged you, your wet bodies collided. hugging him back, your heartbeat was getting faster

He lets you go but both his hand was still on your waist as he laughed, his hair was covering his eyes, you laughed at him as he looked like one of those people who thirst trap after taking a bath

"you look so funny" mocking him

You moved his hair away from his eyes and smiled at him, he smiled back, the genuine smile he gave you was enough to feel giddy inside. He lets you go and looked up feeling the droplets of water hit his face, he kinda like the feeling of it, while he was doing that, you spun around doing a T- pose

somehow this was fun just running in the grass with full clothes on, it's nostalgic

it felt like it was a minute "you wanna go back? I think our neighbors gonna see us and think were high" he said, as I nodded. i jumped on his back and surprisingly he handled me back to the porch quite well. I got down while he got towels to dry us up

I removed my socks and slipped back my slippers and ringed the hem of my shirt to slightly dry them off as I waited for schlatt to get back. "Here. Don't wet the inside floor, or ill knock off ur teeth" he handed me a white towel

"thanks" I started with my hair, scratching the towel on my head, then my clothes. Wrapping my body in the towel as I ran to my room to get new dry clothes

I got downstairs wearing a hoodie, leggings, and a blanket so my body heats up

I turned on the tv "It's still raining really hard," I said as I sat down on the couch again, "yeah no shit" I saw him come out of the kitchen with two mugs and a tiny tray of biscuits

he handed me the one mug and laid the tray on the middle table, "Is your offer to watch a movie still up?" he said as he sat down beside me

"hell yeah, man" he got in my blanket and moved so he can feel comfortable

"Your hairs still wet, stop leaning onto my neck"

"fuck off"

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