· Ice cream ·

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plot: they just want to eat ice cream in a hot and sunny weather
–pain is everywhere

— [ Y/n ]

the heat was consuming the house, as I was sitting down my sweat has been dripping from my face to my body, this was the worst day to do anything but sitting down and doing nothing. My body could take the heat as I shouted so schlatt could hear me from the second floor

I heard stomping or should I say running downstairs, I saw him peaking his head looking concerned

“You okay? I heard something”
I waved at him to come close to me, he stood in front of me, arms on his waist “The fuck was that?”

I groaned and fan myself “It was me. we need to buy ice cream, its hot” I stared at him he wasn't impressed at what I did

“Really it's not That... hot”
I got up, putting his hands on my head which was covered with body fluid, he jerked his hands and wiped them on my shirt. I heard him whispered 'ew' under his breath

“So... which car should we use?”
I said to him, wiping the sweat off my body with my shirt “Yours, I dont want you driving in my car” I nodded and hugged him, I stamped my face on his cloth with my sweat “[ Y/n ], gross. Now stop”


I parked near the ice cream parlor, good thing my ac was fixed just one day before cause my t-shirt would be drenched.

“Alrighty, what do you want?”
the man said, I looked through the selections trying to find my favorite flavor “Can I have the [ icecream/ flavor], pls” I politely said, smiling at him and looking at schlatt

“What about you sir?”
he said, he looked through the rows of ice cream, “Ill have that” he pointed to the glass, his other hand still on his pocket “And pls put it on a cup,” he said

I wasn't paying attention to them but focused on the ice cream

“Hey, get yours”
schlatt tapped my shoulder which cut me off my daydream, I quickly smiled at the man behind the counter and got my ice cream, I thanked him and got my wallet but then schlatt gave the man the money “keep the change”

we got outside and into my car, within the press of a button the car unlocked. I licked the melted ice cream and got inside, I sighed

“Thank god, sweetened frozen food”
I licked and it felt refreshing. I looked at him, he shoved the tiny spoon into his mouth and looked back at me “You really love ice cream do you?” he said, as he shoves another spoonful

“Yes, im in love with ice cream you speak of”
I said, still licking mine, he looked at my ice cream “I have a deal,” he said, out of nowhere, which put my thoughts everywhere “A deal you say? What thou your deal?” I said, still skeptical

“You can try my ice cream...But”
he pauses, and I looked at him trying to crack his deal “I can try your flavor” shoving the ice cream and taunting me with his flavor “You just want to eat my ice cream is that what you mean?” he nodded, I acted like I was thinking of my answer, but to be honest my answer will be yes

“Alright, but dont lick it, you have a tiny spoon”
he scooped a little and sucked it, I stared at him finding something if he liked the flavor “Taste nice”

“Now it's my turn” I opened my mouth and wait for him to put the spoon on my mouth, he scooped a little and put it on my mouth “Taste nice” I mocked him

I ate the cone, while we're on our way to our house, he finished his first which schlatt decided to take the wheel. We talked on the way

Opening the house, I sat down laying my body to relax removing the tense he sat down beside me hugging me, tight

“Oh hey, do you wanna watch a movie?”
he said, but I got up which he looked confused, he knows like watching a movie with him “I'll take a bath first”

“Wait you're saying you didn't take a bath earlier?”
I nodded getting my bathrobe and towel “You could've taken a bath to keep yourself refreshed?” I looked at him, he looked so confused “Yeah, I just want ice cream”

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