· Paintings ·

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plot: everything she drew brings back memories

-Hey bestie, let's catch some catboys now, I'm done with your request!!
-sad chapter


"What do you think?" she backed off a little to see her canvas a little better, he moved close to her just to glance at the painting.

"I messed up your nose tho..." she glanced back and forth at the man beside him and her painting, "I think it looks great, dear"

he puts his hands around her waist as they look straight to the painting, she sighed and started to lean back on him. They both stare at their glistening eyes

"Do you wanna sell it?" she as they sway a little bit.

He put his head on her shoulder "No, it's too good to sell it, plus it's one of those things where you put it in the middle of the room"

"You think so?" he hugged her tight enough for her to breathe, he kissed her cheeks and smiled "Of course, dear"

"I wish life could be this easier" she stared at his face, caressing his hand with her soft, small hands "Dont worry, ill be better"

"Let's paint each other," she said as she kissed his cheek, he nodded


-schlatt's POV

I opened her office room with her things for her artwork, I placed the oil and kneaded eraser she needed "Here you go" she looked up cause she was sitting down on the floor, her legs were crisscrossed

"Thank you, dearie" I squatted beside her and her painting of herself was spot on, I kissed her cheeks and she smiled

"This looks so good" I wiped her face with a clean towel to get off the extra paint that was on her face

She put her hands onto my cheeks and caressed them, I held her hand and kissed it "You want water?" I smiled

she smiled and nodded, I kissed her and got up to grab her water bottle and fill it up with cold water. I handed her the bottle and continue to look at her brush strokes

"I think it did it right," she said, she became so good at painting portraits like herself without a reference but only a recollection of references "it does, and it so happens to look just like you"

she smiled, her smile shines my day even when I feel down

I held up a bottle that was beside her "is that the oil... what was the word?" she smiled and looked at me in such grace "linseed oil, dear"

"oh okay, and this?" I tap the clear like water tiny bottle "This is turpentine, it helps the oil paint to dry quicker" I hummed and stared at her

She looked so beautiful with all the colors that are on her face, and her features are so defined. I never knew how lucky I am that I got her

She is talented, good-looking, great at everything and everyone loves her. I kissed her gently, my hands placed onto her cheeks as she begins to kiss me back

She pulled back and looked at me

"I love you, dear," she said, we never said our I love you's but I think this time was the best "I love you too remember that" I stared at her beautiful, glittering [ e/c ] eyes, as she stared back at my eyes

I connected our hands and sat down on the floor for a good minute, it was quite nice being with her, and I'm happy that im falling for her

she placed her hands on her palette and rubbed one color onto my nose "Pfft, man you look good" I wiped the paint and hugged her like I was going to lose her. She hugged me back

Without her knowing, I kissed her neck


"I bought you flowers, and things" I placed the bouquet and some fruits of any kind that she likes to eat she's hungry. I sat there as the clouds move by the wind

"I didn't sell your paintings, by the way, I love them so much" I stare at the sky, as colors began to shine. She will really love the flowers that I placed beside her "I put your portrait on our bedroom wall, cause I know how much you love them" I held my hands together as the shadows of the tree became darker

I sighed as it was almost dark and I still have a lot of things to say to her, "I cleaned up your studio" I looked at my fingers as I played at my ring that she placed when we got married

"I miss you so much, and I hope your okay" I placed my hands on her gravestone and looked at her "goodbye, dear see you soon"

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