8) Embarrassment

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I opened up the front door ,but just before I could walk out, I heard my mom start yelling at me again. 

"Katsuki! Don't forget to ask Izuka over for dinner this weekend! I want her to be able to to have three days notice." As her words reached my ears, my face lit up in a blush.

And not because it's Izuka, although it's probably worse considering I bullied her, no.  It's because... it's because I don't just ask anyone to dinner, and my idiots would probably take it the wrong way.

And it's not like I'm asking some random extra, it's because... um... It's because she's in my class. Kinda...

Too embarrassed about the thought of asking Izuka to dinner, I slammed the door in response to my mother's reminder.

I pulled my headphones and phone out of my jacket pocket and started playing music to distract myself from the fact that my thoughts were racing. 

It didn't help.

When Kirishima joined me I kept my headphones on, even if I wasn't really listening to the music at this point, so that I wouldn't have to hear him ramble on and on about what he and his moms did yesterday. Seeing as after the first few 'conversations'  I realized that this was all he talked about, and it was starting to get annoying.


When we arrived at school, Dunce Face started walking alongside us, and Kirishima gave up on talking to me in favor of talking to someone who'll actually respond. Fine with me.

The songs being played in my headphones were soon drowned out due to the mass amount of students entering the building at once, who were all spewing out nonsense that I couldn't care less about.

Dunce Face Shitty Hair and I all walked in the classroom, and went to our respective desks.

I put my headphones in my bag, threw my feet up on the desk, put my hands behind my head, and tried to block out the annoying sounds of classmates.

Glasses came up and yelled at me but I gave him a simple "Fuck off." before looking back towards the door, waiting for the source of embarrassment walked through the door.

And then she did.

Pink cheeks ran up to her immediately and started a conversation on the way over to her desk.

The bell soon rang and Mummy-zawa walked in and announced our next lesson. 


Sorry for the incredibly small chapter, I was really just trying to get something out for you lovely readers 😥

NEways how ya'll been doing? It's been a while since I've posted a chapter on this book.

Question of the chapter!: What's your favorite animal?

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