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Hello, my lovely readers! I'm not dead! Writer's block sucks and school is stressful. :(

Anyways, on with the chapter! :)




How did she beat me?!

And how did she do it so flawlessly?

One minute I was challenging Izuka to a fight, the next minute I'm on my back with my hands pinned above my head. 

The rest of the extras the class were looking at us with dumb expressions, in awe at the nerd that somehow managed to pin me down so quickly.

Her emerald eyes met mine in surprise, then she smirked at me, and leaned her head down so she could whisper in my ear. "Wow, Kacchan. How the tables have turned." She then released my hands, got off me and offered her hand.

Now I never like to admit things like this, but I'm pretty sure my cheeks were a fiery red at that moment. That was incredibly attractive. Wait what?!

I stood up, ignoring her outstretched hand and the whispers of our classmates, and walked away from the group, who was now swarming Izuka with questions.

Many questions filled my mind about the previous situation.

When did she get so strong?

Why is my face so hot?

And why did I think she was attractive?

~ (i'm using this mark (~) to show a small timeskip)

(After class for the day dismissed)

"Hey, Bakubro!" A familiar redhead called. " Hey, wait up man!" Following behind him was the rest of my classmates who all choose to associate themselves with me, The Bakusquad.

"Fuck off, Shitty hair."I dull-ly responded. I was in no mood to talk with those idiots right now.

"Hey dude, what was up with you and that Midoriya girl?" Dunce face breathed out, seeing as he had to run to catch up with the rest of the group.

"Yeah, she beat you in like two seconds, and then your face turned red when she whispered something in your ear." The kid with tape arms recalled with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Yeah, she's either just wanted to show off to the class on her first day " Racoon eyes started. ",or the more interesting answer, it's one of those love-at-first-sight kinda deals and she's trying to show off to you specifically. She doesn't seem like the type of gal who would go and do that for no reason."

My ears turned red again at the thought of her doing is to impress me, but that can't be right. I bullied her for fucks sake! Why would she want to impress me of all people? And love at first sight?! Ridiculous for the same reasons! "And how the hell would you know?" I flipped around to look at the group of idiots following me. "It's not like she's your best friend or anything. What do you know about her?"

"Well it's not like you know her all that well either." She responded.

"Yeah man, the most you've talked to her was when you challenged her to a battle, and seeing as how she just sputtered out nonsense in response before you lunged at her, that doesn't even count as a conversation." Tape arms defended.

" You know what, it's not worth arguing with you losers." I gave up on talking to them and walked away from them faster. I knew they were just going to keep bringing up Izuka, and I still don't know how to deal with the fact that I get reminded of my childhood mistakes every time I see her or she's brought up.


I walked in the door of my house and ran up to my room to go start on my homework while my mom was still at work and the house is quiet. 


"KATSKI!" My reading was interrupted with yelling from the front of the house followed by a door slamming. "WHAT, HAG?"  put a bookmark in my action novel and went downstairs to see what she was yelling about.

"Your principal called me while I was at work, saying that you fought the new student! What the fuck was that about!"

Shit, I forgot that the principal calls on of my parents when I fight someone or cause significant damage to the school property.

"It wasn't much of a fight" I mumbled under my breath. "Deku made sure of that."

"Deku huh." The old hag mused to herself while tapping her foot in thought. "Where have I heard that before?"

'Oh shit' were the first two words to pop into my brain, and in reaction I started my way back up the stairs to me room, until she shouted again. "Oh wait! Isn't Deku, Izuka?" I turned back around and answered." Yeah. So, what?" "Oh my god! Izuka is back in Japan!" She was all smiley for a second entertaining that fact, before she want back to what my dad calls "The Bakugou scowl" and yelled " You fought your childhood friend on her first day back at school in Japan?!" She stomped up the stairs and smacked me on the back of my head before continuing.

"Tomorrow at school, you will apologize to poor Izuka and invite her to dinner this weekend if she doesn't have any plans." "WHAT!" I responded "Why!?" She me on the back of my head again.

"DON'T TALK BACK TO ME LIKE THAT BOY! And it's because I miss seeing her and her father and I know you do to." I could feel my ears turn a little red. "W-what? I don't miss that damn nerd!" "Uh huh. Sure you don't. Anyway I've made up my mind, she's coming over for dinner on Sunday and you can't change my mind. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes."

She walked back down the stairs, to the kitchen as if we had never had that conversation at all.


Wow. It took a long time for that chapter to come out. 

Sorry guys! Thank you for your patience, people who kept this story saved. And for the people who didn't...... well you wouldn't even be reading this huh. Never mind.

Anyways my wonderful readers, I have two questions for you at the end of this long awated chapter! (Since I forgot one at the end of last chapter. Oops😅

Question #1: What shows are you into?

My answer: Right now I've been to Steven Universe, Haikyuu, and the Mandalorian.

Question #2: Would you guys like a Q and A?

My answer: I can't answer this one, but if you're comfortable with writing your opinion, I would like to know what my readers want.

And that's it for now! 

Once again, I'm sorry for not posting for a few months. I will try to get the next part out quicker, but no promises.

And since I probably won't post until after the new year, Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah

And don't forget to.....


- Weirdo

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