9)Wait, what?!

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Since y'all keep reading this I thought I might as well keep updating, so here's a new chapter UwU


Izuka's P.O.V (Here's the first (and probably last) time we get to see this POV)


The bell rang, and I quickly packed up my things.

"Bye Recovery Girl- sensei" I quickly waved to the old woman before heading down to the cafeteria. I was meeting Uraraka-san for lunch! I couldn't believe that it was only my second day and I already had friends to eat lunch with. 

'That's a first.' My subconscious "helpfully" added. 

I internally sighed and started walking a little faster, not wanting to make my new friends wait.

After entering the cafeteria, I quickly spotted Uraraka-san waving me over to their table.

A small smile appeared on my face, as I walked over and gave a small bow to my peers at the table before sitting down. 

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Ah Midoriya-san! It is a pleasure to see you again." Iida practically yelled at me. 

"Iida why don't we lower the volume a little bit, she's only sitting across from you." Uraraka playfully covered her ears.

"My apologies!"

"Kero, Midoriya- san, aren't you going to get lunch?" Asui put a finger to her chin and tilted her head slightly to show her curiosity.

"Um, no I brought a bento for myself-" I cut myself off, and started looking for my bento, which was nowhere to be found.

"Oh no, I think I left it in Recovery Girl's office!" I quickly stood up and pushed my chair in. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Uraraka asked, starting to stand up herself.

"No no! I got it, it should only take a few minutes." I quickly excused myself and left the cafeteria.

I speed-walked through the halls, trying to remember that way to the classroom when I, quite literally, ran into someone!

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I wasn't- I didn't think there would be anyone else in the hallways during lunch and-"

"Stop mumbling Deku, I can't tell what you're saying." A familiar voice answered from above me.

Wait, Kacchan! I lept backwards, in order to escape his fury.

"Kacch- I mean , Bakugo-san! I was just looking for Recovery Girl's office, so, uh, bye!"

I started to take off in, what I think is the direction of Recovery Girl, a large, soft hand wrapped around my wrist, effectively holding me in place.

"I need to talk with you."

He must still be angry with me for what happened in training yesterday!

I whipped around, fearing that this would be similar to our relationship in kindergarten. 

"L-listen  Ka- er Bakugo-san, if this is for what I said and did in training, I am so sorry! I wasn't thinking, and just reacted on instinct, then said the first thing that came to mind! I didn't mean to upset you!"I was close to shaking in fear. While I wasn't that scared little kid that I was a decade ago, I had only been going to U.A for two days, and Kacchan was the most strong, and intimidating person I had ever met that wasn't a prohero. I have a right to be scared of what he might do to me.

"You should be sorry, that was totally embarrassing-," Oh boy, here it comes. I sealed my eyes shut, ready to be hit or something. ",but that's not why I need to talk to you."

Wait, what?

"Listen, the old hag caught word that you were back in Japan so..." Bakugo trailed off. I just barely noticing that his ears were red in, what I assumed to be, embarrassment.

"...You're coming to dinner on Sunday."

Wait, what?!

My face lit up in a blush, and my thoughts were running rampant in my brain. 'Is Kacchan asking me on a date?!' was the most common one. 

"W-w-w-what?!" I could barely get the word out. "I don't like you like that!" I waved my hands in front of my blushing face, trying to get my point across.

"What?! No, not like that! The old hag just wanted to see you and your father again. I don't even want you there, but she insisted!"

My head drooped a little as I shifted my gaze to the floor. 

'My father...'

I looked up to tell Kacchan my answer, but he was already walking away from me, and back to the lunch room.

I sighed knowing Kacchan never changes, and turned to go find Recovery Girl's office.

But before I could even take five steps in the other direction, a loud gasp was heard from the end of the hallway.

I turned around and there stood Uraraka, with her mouth open almost to the point where she looked like a cartoon character. 

"Uraraka what are yo-" "Are you going on a date with Bakugo?!"


 Hooray for Izuka's POV! 

I'm gonna try to set myself on a writing schedule, but if I do that the chapters might end up a little shorter than I would like. :(

So here's your question of the day:

Would you rather have weekly/ monthly updates, or longer chapters?

And I think that's it for this chapter! Let me know what you think in the comments, and hopefully you'll be seeing another chapter soon.

And Don't forget to...

And Don't forget to

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The nurse hero; Lady Nightingale (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now