4) The healing process

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Previously on 'The Nurse Hero; Lady Nightingale'

"Long time no see, Katsuki." She sighed, while her emerald eyes stared right into my soul.

She's still upset.


Katsuki's P.O.V.

I could tell she was upset my the way she didn't call me by that nickname she gave me when we were younger, and by the way her large green eyes glared into mine. It felt like I was staring into her beautiful emerald eyes for hours. Honestly, I never wanted to look away. But of course, that would have to happen sooner than I would've liked.

 "Come on, let's see if you have any major injuries." She walked over to one of the hospital beds, and sat down in a chair next to it.  

Alright, this is the first time you've talked to her in five years. Don't mess this up Katsuki.

"Screw you Deku, I'm fine and don't need your help." I scoffed at her remembering the nickname that I gave her when we were kids.

Why am I like this.

Izuka looked up at me and sighed. "You haven't changed at all in the past five years." She got up out of her chair,and grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the bed muttering something under her breath that sounded like "I don't have time to deal with this shit right now." She sat me down on the edge of the hospital bed, and resumed her current position in the chair next to it. 

"Obviously you have a few cuts and scratches, but do you have any major injuries that I need to be aware of?" She said.

"No, of course not!" I practically yelled at her even though she was sitting right next to me. "Those damn villains were too dumb to do any real damage to me!" I saw Recovery girl glare over at me while fixing up Shitty Hair, so I sent her a glare back and looked back to Deku.

Izuka just sighed again, and put her arms up and her pointed her palms at me, getting ready to use her quirk. Her eyes and palms started to glow a mint green color, and I could feel the slight pain in my body start to go away. 

While she was healing me, I got to take a good look the nerd. She was wearing the same pink dress from the entrance exam. The thing had pink sleeves that stopped at her elbows, and black finger-less gloves that started where the sleeves ended. The area covering her larger-than-I-remember chest was white, with pink buttons that went down to where her tan skirt started. She was wearing white leggings with black knee pads that had the hospital logo on them. She also had on cute pink boots that had a heel ,that I'm pretty sure would restrict your running speed, and to top it all off, she was wearing a nurses hat with a cute little bow tying up her fluffy green hair. (Once again refer to the picture at the top if my crappy describing skills didn't help)

"You do know that, even though I'm trying to focus on healing you I can see you checking me out, right?" She spoke out of the blue.

My cheeks flushed a cherry red, and I looked down. "Shit." I cursed under my breath. Was it really that obvious that I was staring. "Whatever ,nerd." I mumbled and continued to look at the white tiled floor.

She smirked a little and put her hands down, causing her eyes to return to their normal beautiful green color. 

God, I missed that gorgeous smile. Wait what?! Why would I think that, and that her eyes were beautiful? What is she doing to me?!?

She handed me one of those gummy bears that Recovery Girl usually gives us, stood up and offered me a hand. I grabbed her hand, and stood up observing her green nail polish .

"Alright come on, Katsuki you are good to go. Let's head back outside to the rest of your class." I stiffened a little at the name.

'Why? It's just my name, I should be fine with this. Is it because she's not using that stupid nickname that she gave me when we were three? No it can't be, I hated that nickname. Or did I? Does she even remember the nickname?'

She seemed to notice my stiffening. "Oh, are you not okay with me calling you by your first name anymore? It has been some time since we talked. Would you rather me call you Bakugou?" She said kind of sadly.

"What? No. You know what, I don't care. Call whatever you feel like." I huffed and shoved my hands in my pockets.

She giggled a little. "Alright then." She walked back to the door and held it open for me. I walked over to the door and started back over to my shitty class. 

"It was nice to see you again, Kacchan." She waved to me and pick up Recovery Girl's clip board and read off two of the other extra's names. I'm think it was Twinkly fucker and Pink bitch, but I'm not sure, because after she said 'Kacchan' my brain practically shut down. 

I slowly walked toward the school exit, my mind still processing everything that happened in the past couple of hours. Then Shitty hair walked up to me. 

"Hey man." He said tiredly. I could tell Recovery Girl's quirk was taking effect on him, he was a lot less energetic than he usually is.

I grunted in response. I didn't want to talk to him right now, not while my head is still swimming with thoughts of what happened today.

"Hey, what was going on between you and Recovery Girl's protege? She called you by your first name, and she said something about you not changing in five years or something." He asked curiously.

"Like I would tell you , Shitty hair." I pushed open the door and started on my path  home, Shitty hair probably still wondering about me and Izuka's relationship.

I got to my house, and the moment I opened the door I was pulled into a hug by the old hag.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled at her. I didn't exactly like affection.

"Oh shut up," She said not breaking the bone-crushing hug. "I was worried about you, ya little shit."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said and walked upstairs to my room and flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

In the last couple of hours I:

went on a field trip to the U.S.J., 

met the rescue hero 13, 

got attacked by the league of dorks,

saw my homeroom teacher get beaten by a brain villain,

helped All Might defeat said brain villain,

and got to see my childhood friend, who goes to my school now.

That's a lot to process.


1141 words

I's finally out!

I am so sorry for the long wait, and I have no excuse. I have this disease called procrastination, and it's been getting worse recently.😂

But, anyway I will try to get chapters out as quickly as I can, but with my procrastination it's hard to tell if that actually happen.

Question of the chapter!

If you could have any existing quirk from My Hero Academia, what would it be?

I would probably have Monoma's copy quirk.(The blond kid from class 1-B) I know most people don't like him (Hell, I don't even like him), but his quirk is really useful in my opinion.

Anyway I would love to hear your answers, and thank you again for reading this book. And until next time (hopefully sooner rather than later)

GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA! (I decided to change it up a little)


The nurse hero; Lady Nightingale (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now