please forgive me

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So... uh hi

Um I kinda lost the motivation to write this story, hence why it's been months since I've even looked at this story.

I've realized over this past year that I have some major ADHD and that's probably why this story hasn't been updated since at least July (and I'm like 90% sure that that was just editing the first couple chapters).

Ya'll are probably going to hate me for this (as you should), but I've been thinking about it for a while, and I've decided to discontinue this story. I'm not super into the story idea anymore, and even if I did continue this story, I would probably forget about it.

Thank you to all who have commented, voted and just simply just read this story. Y'all are amazing, and honestly... y'all have given me a real confidence boost. I feel really bad letting you guys down.

I wanna make it up to you though, so here's the last thing I'm going to ask of you in this book: comment a new story idea (it doesn't have to be mha), suggest how to make this story better (maybe you'll inspire me to rewrite this story someday), or just simply tell me about your day :)

I one of you manages to inspire me to write something I will tag you!

Have a wonderful day my wonderful readers! Thank you all for your support, and I'm sorry for discontinuing. Make sure to eat food and drink water today! I hope to see you all again soon!

And of course, don't forget to...

Go Beyond! Plus! Ultra!!!

The nurse hero; Lady Nightingale (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now