3) Meeting you again

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*Time Skip to the day of the U.S.J* (Sorry I'm lazy)

Katsuki's P.O.V


Mr. Aizawa told us that today we were taking a field trip to a training facility called the U.S.J.. I didn't really care about it that much, other than the fact that I would get to show off my quirk more. I didn't get to use it much in All Might's training because half-and-half didn't let anyone move the whole damn time. Aizawa said that we should go change into our hero costumes then meet out by the bus and walked out of the classroom.

Me and the extras went to the changing room to get into our hero outfits. I will admit that some of them had decently cool outfits, but mine was obviously the best. We walked outside, and glasses started yelling at us while waving his arms, and yelling at everyone.

"Everyone get on the bus in an orderly fashion!" he yelled right into my ear.

I just pushed past him and got onto the bus, while kind of yelling."It's not that kind of bus, idiot." Everyone got on the bus after me as I sat in the window seat. When the bus started moving I started thinking. Why I hadn't seen Izuka since the entrance exam? Was this a good thing or a bad thing? I wasn't going to talk to her anyway so why was I so disappointed that I hadn't seen her? Had she even noticed that I go to U.A.? I was so consumed in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear my name being said by one of the other extras on the bus.

(*Cue the voice from Spongebob* 5 minutes later)

" Shut up. We're here." Aizawa said cutting us all off.

We all got off the bus and walked into this huge dome-shaped building. I followed the extras inside and looked around. There were different zones, each one looked like a different natural disaster. I looked back forward to see 13; the rescue hero!

Now I may not show it outwardly, but I love pro heroes. Sometimes I feel like I love heroes more than Deku did when we were kids. Or still does, I don't know anymore. But the point is, I was pretty excited to see 13.

Aizawa stood next to 13, who turned to our group and started to tell us the rules. Despite loving heroes, I wasn't really paying attention to what 13 was saying. I was looking around, trying to guess what area I would be in first.

Suddenly a purple portal opened up in the center of the U.S.J and people started walking out. At first, I thought that it was all part of the training until I looked over at the teachers. Mr. Aizawa's face went from, I-want-to-go-and-take-a-nap to, DANGER. I couldn't tell what 13 was feeling at that moment, but you could still tell that this isn't part of the drill.

"Those are real villains." Mr. Aizawa stated, not taking his eyes away from the 20 or so people now walking toward us.

At that moment I knew, that this was not going to be a normal field trip.

After the U.S.J. attack, because yo girl is lazy and doesn't want to write all that. So let's just say that everything was the same as the anime/manga but without Izuku.


After waiting for like 20 minutes, the police finally arrived to take all the low life criminals that we beat up to jail. All Might and Mr. Aizawa were taken to the hospital, since they were beaten up by that brain guy, and Principal Nezu got on the bus with us to take us back to the school to pick up our belongings.

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