5) A new classmate

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Happy pride month gays! (This was honestly a mistake, but I'm keeping it because it works)


The song has nothing to do with the chapter I just really like it


(If I remember correctly they had two days off after the U.S.J. incident, so we are just going to skip those two days because I don't know what to write for that)

*Two day time skip*





I slammed my hand on the alarm clock and and sat up with a groan. 

Time to finally go back to school with the annoying fucks that call themselves my friends. Like seriously, I haven't given off a good impression at all so far, and those shits just follow me around in a group that they call "The Baku-squad". I don't even know any of their names!

You know what, it's too early right now to think. Might as well get ready, since that requires minimal amounts of thinking.

I got out of bed, did my usual morning routine, put my school uniform on (without the tie because fuck that) ,and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I got down there and the hag was making steamed rice for breakfast. I will never say this to her face, but she is a really good cook, and I always enjoy her food.

"Oh Katsuki, you're awake!" She shouted at me. "Eat quickly, so you're not late!"

"I'm not going to be late, damn it!" I sat down in front of a bowl of rice and started eating. "I still have like 45 minutes to get there."

"Well eat quick anyway!"

"Alright fine, jeez." I ate the rice as quick as I could to please the hag, put on my shoes and walked out the door.  

About 10 minutes in Shitty hair joined and walked the rest of the way with me. He tried to make small talk, but I didn't respond. I don't have enough patience to deal or talk with people this early in the morning. (Same Bakugou. Same) Also today I had the added bonus of all of my thoughts from three days ago keeping me from forming any coherent response to whatever shitty hair was saying.

Soon we were at U.A.. Finally, a good distraction from my thoughts. The villains aren't stupid enough to attack the main school campus, Aizawa should be fine since Recovery girl probably healed him, the bird-monster-thing is with the police, and Izuka is just Recovery girl's protege and I won't have to worry about her hating me if she's not in my class. All I need to focus on is right now is my shitty classes and the idiots I call my classmates.

I strolled into the classroom, and walked over to my desk which was behind Invisabitch's , (who was currently talking to raccoon eyes) and- What the fuck? Since when was there a desk between me and grape kid? Are we seriously fucking getting a new kid right fucking after a villain attack? 

Suddenly the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sat down in my chair and looked at where a teacher is supposed to be standing. Whoever is supposed to teach our class today better explain the other desk behind me.

We all probably sat there for five minutes, most people talking about who would be teaching us today, when a very bandaged up Mr. Aizawa came walking through the door. Pretty understandable considering the beating he took from that villain, but all the other extras seemed shocked at the arrival of our homeroom teacher.

The door shut behind him and he walked up to his podium and addressed us. "Hello class," he said in his usual monotone voice. "I have a couple things to discuss with you today before you move on with your regular classes." I hope one of them explains the empty desk behind me. "First being the empty desk I'm sure you've all noticed, behind Bakugou." 

It's like I'm a damn mind reader.

"Does that mean we're getting a new student? Oh I hope it's a girl!" Raccoon eyes exclaimed.

"If you would let me finish you would know." Mr. Aizawa said glaring at her the entire time. " Yes we are getting a new student," Well fuck. More people to remember the names of. ",but she will only be in some of our classes, as she has a different schedule than the rest of you."

Well now that's confusing, even for me.

"But-" Three short knocks against the door cut Mr. Aizawa off, "*Sigh* Come in." he sighed turning as best he could with his many bandages to the door.

The door slowly opened and nothing could have prepared me for who entered the room.

Her pony tail bobbed up and down as she practically skipped to the front of the classroom.

She flashed her classic blinding smile and said some of the words that would change my whole UA experience.

"Hi guys you may remember me from three days ago as the nurses assistant, but as a formal introduction. My name is Izuka Midoriya and I am going to be your part-time classmate!"


849 words

WOW! I'm so sorry for being gone this long. I have been really trying my best to get new chapters out, for this book and for my other book 'Not Your Average Villain Rehab' (Promo. Sorry not sorry😅) But Writer's block is a bitch and I have had a decent amount of stuff to do lately.

Also thank you for 1.2K reads and 15 votes! It makes my day knowing that so many people from around the world like reading my story.😊

So thank you again for reading this, even when I've been gone forever, it means a lot to me.

Now the question of the chapter!

In honer of pride month: What is your sexuality or are you currently questioning it?

I am currently questioning, but I think I might be Aromantic.

Edit from the Future: I figured it out and decided that I'm an Asexual Lesbian, so.... Yay :) 

Anyways thank you once again for reading this, and as always...


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