2) A bit about the past

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Katsuki's P.O.V


It was two months after the exam I still couldn't stop thinking about Izuka. Her brief appearance in my field of vision was all that it took for thousands of memories of my childhood to come flooding back to me.

Like the time the me and Izuka "saved" our moms from the pillow monster that we made while wearing those cheep superhero capes that you get at Six Flags. (I know that they live in Japan and that might not be a thing in Japan, but just bare with me please.)

Or when my family was invited over to her house for Christmas, and we ran around and played tag all night. I was fast but she was always faster.

I thought these memories and many more, I decided that I was going to talk with her and reconnect with her after all this time. Seeing as how she goes to U.A. it should be easy.

Then the guilt came back.

All the memories of me bullying my green-haired best friend came to me suddenly.

Why would she even want to talk to me after all I did to her as kids. I beat her up practically ever day, called her mean names, made fun of her quirk, hell I even told her to kill herself when I was really pissed off one day. Yes, a ten-year-old told another ten-year-old to kill herself. I don't know why, or what was going through my mind that day. But no matter what it was, it was fucked up.

Izuka always came back to me though. She always healed me after I tried to beat up people stronger than me, even when I didn't want her to. She was the only girl of our neighborhood friend group, so she got picked on by more people than just me. She would always go home with bruises, cuts, and scrapes form our group, then she'd come back the next day she would come back like nothing had happened.

I feel bad about not realizing it until after she had moved away , but when we were little she would always be tired. From sleeping on her desk at school, to never being able to give it her all when we did include her, to sometimes skipping out on group activities so that she could rest. The reason being that using her quirk drained her energy, and she was always using it. Weather it be on herself after a beating from us, or when we (it was usually just me) got injured fighting older kids. She was like an older sister to us all, though non of us treated her like it, and she was younger than most of the group.

You know what I'm not going to talk to her. She probably doesn't want to talk to me after everything I did. I know because I wouldn't want to talk to me either. 

Let's just hope she's not in the hero course.


And that's the end of the chapter!

 Sorry it's short again, there wasn't much for me to write on this subject.

Another sorry for for not having a lot going on in this chapter. But all this info is important in later chapters... maybe. I don't know, I make no promises.

As you saw there is a bit of language in this story. If you are offended in any way please leave, 'cause it's not going to get any better.

For the next chapter I am going to skip to the U.S.J. because I'm an impatient bitch and I want to get to the part where they finally meet, so sorry if you wanted more details on how Bakugou went through the first part of the anime/manga.

That's all for now, hope you enjoyed!

594 words

Later dudes

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