6) Training

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I only remember vaguely what happens right here, and I'm too lazy to go back and re watch the anime, so all of the dialogue in this chapter and future chapters are made up.


Previously on "The Nurse Hero; Lady Nightingale":

"Hi guys you may remember me from three days ago as the nurses assistant, but as a formal introduction. My name is Izuka Midoriya and I am going to be your part-time classmate!"



Of fucking course. It's like the universe hates me. Aizawa is still injured and Izuka is in my class. What's next? Is the brain villain gonna come crashing down through the roof? At this point I wouldn't be surprised.

"Alright, you guys can get to know her later, but for now we have other business to discus. Midoriya take a seat behind Bakugou." Aizawa droned 

"Yes, sir." She calmly spoke and strolled over to her seat.

"Now in other news, we will be having the U.A. sports festival in two weeks. Keep in mind that you will still have regular classes during this time, so all of your training will have to happen outside of school."

"Mr. Aizawa!" Glasses abruptly stood up, taking the attention of the class. "Wouldn't it be unwise to to hold the sports festival so soon after a villain attack?"

"Yes probably, but the principal and the other teachers believe that we should continue to hold it no matter what. Also we will increase security on the day of the festival to make sure that everyone is safe."

"My apologies." Glasses sat down, and allowed our shit teacher to continue talking.

"Anyways, when the bell rings I want you all to put on your gym uniforms and go to the training field. This is the one and only time I will allow you to train on school grounds before the festival. Now I'm going to take a nap until the bell rings, you guys can get to know your new classmate. Or don't. I don't care." The hobo teacher zipped up his sleeping bag and flopped on the floor, while all of the girls in the class immediately rushed over to Deku, and started practically screaming at her.

 I didn't really care about their conversation, as it was mostly girl talk, but I heard something that Pink-cheeks said piqued my interest. 

"So how did you score a part-time job at UA anyway, Izuka? I'm curious." 

Izuka paused for a second, like she was thinking about what to say, before giving her answer with a slight stutter. "Do-don't  freak out, but I'm in contact with one of the staff members. They were telling me that I needed to work on my hand-to-hand combat more, since my quirk isn't a combat related quirk. I told them that I was supposed to be healing not fighting. Then the next week they called my and told me about my new position at UA. I'm helping Recovery Girl with healing when needed, and being part of Class 1-A to work on my combat skills the rest of the time. And since then I've been forced to train more frequently." She ended with a nervous smile, and paused for a second.

"*Gasp* You're in contact with someone in the staff other than Recovery Girl!" Pink Bitch got right in her face and started yelling out guesses. "Who is it? Spill! Is it Midnight? Aizawa? Come on, girl. Tell us!" 

"Oh- oh well th- they told me not to tell anyone, since people might think favoritism. Sorry." Izuka panic-ly waved her hands in front of her face while stuttering out an answer.

The bell rang before any of the girls could make another comment about it, and Izuka speed-walked out of the room. 

I slowly followed her, since the boys and the girls changing rooms are right next to each other I kinda had no other option.

I  very quickly changed into my gym uniform, so I could get away from those extras and start training to be the best.

I opened the door and I could hear the girls screaming from the other side of the wall. "Damn they're so fucking loud." I mumbled to no one in particular

I walked onto the training field and was the second person there, the first person being Izuka.

I walked over and stood next to her, and watched her pull her green hair in a pony tail. 'I wonder if her hair is still as fluffy and soft as if used to-! Wait no! I was wondering if she is still as weak and easy to beat as she used to be. Yeah... 'Our hobo teacher talking snapped me out of my weird thoughts.

"Okay all of you go to your own separate spaces so you don't hurt each other. For Midoriya or anyone else who wants it, there are punching bags and gloves you can use over on there." He pointed over to a whole rack of punching bags behind us. "Now only come and get me if someone is dying." Aizawa walked over to the bleachers and sat down sat in his sleeping bag. All the extras looked at each other before everyone walked to there own spaces and started training.


Hey people, sorry this chapter is a little short. I was having a bit of writer's block and I know you guys wanted another chapter, so I made this one a bit shorter than I would've liked so I could give it to you sooner. I hope you liked this chapter and are ready for the next chapter, where I try to write some fighting and action. 

Anyways have a nice day, and....

GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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