˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 1

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tw: blood, gore, hypothermia, bruises, hunting

technos day had been particularly bad, after tommy abandoned him- even with phil and ranboo keeping him company occasionally, things definitely felt different- less lively. he loved tommy, like a brother. but he hated him for not feeling the same way towards techno, it broke his heart. a rustling in the trees up ahead alerted technos senses, pulling him further through the snowy forest, his bow drawn and ready to fire. he attempted to smell the creature ahead of him in the air, but the torch he was holding pushed smoke in his face- blocking the scent. whatever, he thought. even if it is just a bunny, it's still something. trekking forward, making sure to stay quiet against the snow and trees. he peered past a gathering of trunks, leaves camouflaging him behind it, he narrowed his eyes, listening closely for more sounds- any hints. a small shuffling echoed through the trees in a small clearing up ahead. he drew his bow back further, stepping past the trees. his eyes widened, a figure huddled in the snow, shaking and purple- clinging onto a thin blanket for safety. he stepped back, a twig snapping behind him, and it turned its head. he shivered, it was a girl...eyes tired and sad, her lips purple and shaking- and then- she fell, legs collapsing beneath her, and snow enveloping her like a soft blanket, greeting her as an old friend. he lowered his bow, huffing, then turning around, and walking away. he didn't bother with things that couldn't help him, she's obviously going to die, he thought, there's no point in trying to help. besides, she's probably from l'manburg...attempting to get secrets. why would i help an enemy?


techno trekked on for a few more minutes, the moon shining down on him and snow gently falling on his hood, catching in the fur and his hair. a snap of twigs, and the rustling of leaves caught his eyes, and a rabbit hopped out of some bushes ahead of him, stopping in the middle of the trail and staring at him. he chuckled, stupid thing, then drawing his bow again. the rabbit darted off, down the trail- and techno followed, pushing forward and keeping close in its tail. off the trail, past trees- turning- twisting- until he finally got a good shot, a small clearing, he shot the bow- the arrow hitting the rabbit clean through the chest, up against a tree trunk. he sighed, catching his breath, kneeling down, and ripping the arrow out of the tree, then stringing the rabbit on to his belt. he stood up, turning- he stopped. there she was again, the same spot. he looked around, it was the same place from before- he huffed again, turning around and stuffing his bow away. techno paused, curiosity arising inside of him, she could be from l'manburg...but i don't think i've ever seen her before...she's probably dead already anyways... his mind felt scattered, the voices starting to push upwards- telling him things. she's dead. no- save her! maybe she's alive...you could be her friend. she's a traitor. she's alive! finish the job mother nature started. techno shook his head, attempting to shake away the thoughts. he turned back around, eyeing the girl, then walking over to her. he tilted his head, the blanket she had wrapped around her was old- thin- wearing away. her clothes obviously weren't meant for this weather. he sighed, kneeling down, and pushing the hood off her face, along with the few stray strands of hair sticking to her- tears? was she crying? why was her face wet...? he took his glove off, pressing his fingers on to her neck- her pulse was slow, breathing shallow, cold to the touch, but she was alive. he bit his lip, ignoring the cracks and gentle metallic taste of chapped skin- techno sighed, fuck it. he took his cape off, wrapping the crimson material around her body and picking her up, bridal style, although tightly held close to him- to keep her warm. he quickly made his way back to the cabin. the soft inviting glow from the windows welcomed him home, and phil stood on the porch, narrowing his eyes when techno had appeared from the forest- confusion very obviously taking a hold of his voice box. until techno stepped up to the creaky porch, a girl cocooned in his arms, shaking and huddled.

"techno...? who is that...?" phil questioned, only to receive a small, shrug from techno-

"dunno..." he grumbled, stepping inside. "i found her half frozen to death...but i don't think she's from l'manburg... at least i've never seen her before"

"yeah...me neither," phil followed him inside, peering over technos shoulder to get a look at the girl. "she looks pretty beat up...did you see what happened to her...?" phil gathered a few blankets from the couch, and techno paused, shaking his head. "hm...well let's get her warmed up, check out her wounds- then let her sleep in your bed for tonight"

"wh-" techno started, before being cut off by phils mumbles

"don't complain...it'll only be for a day or two" he chuckled, techno furrowing his brows

"should've just left her in the snow..." he grumbled, only to soften his look at phils punishing eyes. "sorry..." techno huffed, he loved phil for his kindness- but it could be a curse. they didn't know if they could trust this person... let alone let her into their home, take care of her.

"techno, will you get me some healing potions?" phil said, urgency behind his voice. techno nodded, his eyes slightly rolling- phil continued to wrap up the girl, gently placing her next to the fire place. "she's knocked out pretty good...won't be awake for a while-" he took the potions from technos hands, gingerly pouring the liquid down her throat.

"is she injured...?" techno mumbled, peering over phils shoulder to get a better look at her.

"yeah- cut up a bunch, bruised up too...won't really know how bad until she wakes up though" he sighed, finally finishing wrapping up the cuts around her skin. techno watched silently, allowing phil to work. he didn't bother to argue any more with phil.

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