˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 17

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tw: memory loss, blood, injury

"y/n...?" techno mumbled, gently knocking on the bedroom door. no response. he sighed, "i made dinner... there's strawberry jam...", still no response. he frowned, "i can make ice cream... do you remember ice cream...?"

"you can't buy back my affection with sweets!" y/n called back, her voice aching and pained. he frowned, affection. a word he'd never known much before.

"even if i want it back so badly...?" he mumbled, leaning his forehead on the door. y/n swallowed, furrowing her brow from behind the door, and burying herself back into the blankets on his bed. he sighed again, walking away, soon returning with her plate of food and setting it down in front of the door.


techno ate alone, it reminded him of how lonely he was before y/n. he couldn't remember how he bared it. afterwards, sipping wine, he gazed down the hallway, the plate was gone. at least she was eating. he knocked on the door again.

"y/n...? are you doing okay in there...? still alive?" he chuckled. she'd have to come out soon- and it occurred to techno just how many things he had in there- there was a bathroom, with a tub- there was his own bookshelf- shit- his clothes were in there, and his bed. "you're going to have to let me in soon... i'll need my clothes... and my bed!" he huffed, no response. "fine- i'll sleep on the couch tonight..." he said with a grumble, shuffling back down the hallway.


after techno had finished his wine- he laid down on the couch, adjusting himself uncomfortably. his feet hung off the side- the blanket barely reaching his toes. he sighed, annoyed and uncomfortable.

"at least you don't have to live on a wooden plank all your life" moon grumbled from the fireplace, "you don't really care about where you are, do you? you just miss having her in your arms" he grinned. techno scowled, face brightening at how utterly true moon was.

"shut it, moon..." techno mumbled, bunching up the blanket, and hugging it tightly.

"awe-" moon chuckled, "you miss her" he cooed. techno groaned, standing up- he stomped over to the bedroom door, knocking.

"y/n? please let me in..." he sighed, swallowing his worry. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry" he gritted his teeth, thinking. she meant so much to him- he needed her, even her name on his mind felt warm. "you need to know... about everything..." his voice broke, recollecting his thoughts and organizing them carefully in his mind. "i'm not just some guy... i'm a monster... i've hurt people... i've killed, i've been seduced by violence..." he felt tears welling under his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. "but the truth is... i never really cared about all the damage i'd done... until i met you" he rested his forehead against the wood, frowning. "you make me want to be better... the past couple of months with you have been the most bountiful, loving months of my life- you've shown me affection in a way i've never known, every morning i wake up and look forward to seeing you, every night i dream of you- and i want to spend every day with you... you make everything so glazed over with love and the fuzzy haze of happiness... there isn't a thing in this god forsaken world i wouldn't do for you" he sighed, catching his breath. "i swear by the stars, the sun, and the moon- i love you" he swallowed, locking his wet eyes shut, praying for her response. he counted the moments- silence laid heavily over the house, making him frown.

"swear not by the moon, the ever changing moon..." y/n's soft voice whispered from behind the door- techno smiled in relief, chuckling.

"what shall i swear by?" he replied,

"do not swear at all..." she replied, gently opening the door, and revealing herself from his room, like a phoenix from the ashes, she smiled. techno swallowed, staring down at her.

"forgive me...? fix me?" his voice shook. she pursed her lips, bringing her hand up to rest on his cheek.

"you are not broken" she whispered. "you make mistakes, and you feel for what you have done... you are not a monster" she gazed up at him. technos heart throbbed, he is not a monster, never in his life had he heard those words- soft and loving. her eyes twinkled beneath him, never did they look so delicious, he could bathe in them for ages. he raised his hands, placing them on the sides of her face. y/n shook her head, smiling coyly, and pushing technos hands down.

"you love as a friend loves a friend... you don't love me the way romeo loved juliet..." she whispered, stepping past him with a giggle.

"wrong..." techno groaned, following her- "i love phil- but i don't love him like this-" he strained- reaching out for her again-

"you're under the spell of wine" she whispered, smiling coyly again, and walking into the kitchen.

"i only had one glass-" he chuckled, following her. "what can i do to prove my love?" he whispered, finally catching up to her and caging her with his arms, pressed up against the table. she smiled, blushing- then opening her mouth to say something-

"techno!" a voice called from outside. harsh thuds pounded onto the wooden door, rushed and anxious. they jumped, turning their heads away from each other. techno quickly backed away from y/n, bolting over to the front door and opening it. ranboo stood in the dark, snowy night- clutching onto his bloodied arm- an arrow buried deep into the flesh.

"ranboo-?" techno began- "what happened?"

"someone's here... with quackity" he shivered.

"who's here...?" techno mumbled, his eyes widening at ranboos fear.


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