˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 13

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tw: memory loss, mention of scars, blood

y/n felt odd. after a while of anxiously scrubbing their clothes clean of the blood- she found herself double checking the locks- and peering out the windows at the dark, snowy, sky. when the clock struck midnight- she began to worry even more, unable to sleep or relax. she opened a book, but unable to focus- just stare out the windows. a rustle of movement occasionally catching her attention- but then bitterly disappointed at the sight of only a fox. she sat in front of the fireplace now, wrapped up in a feathered blanket, just watching the fire.

"man, i'd hate to be technoblade right about now..." moon stated, eyes fluttering from the flames. y/n rested her head on her arm, frowning.

"i hope he's okay..." she mumbled. moon narrowed his eyes,

"you're in love" he grinned. "i can hear it in your heartbeat" he sighed. y/n tilted her head up at him,

"is it that obvious...?" she whispered. moon nodded coyly, picking up a log and setting it over himself. she sighed, "is this what it feels like...?" she sighed, "shakespeare underestimates the feeling..."

"well how do you feel...?" moon leaned his head onto his flames. y/n looked down, thinking.

"enchanted" she smiled,

"like a sword...?" moon grinned.

"turn him into stars and form a constellation in his image. his face will make the heavens so beautiful that the world will fall in love with the night and forget about the garish sun..." she sighed happily.

"aren't you cute" moon chuckled, "juliet"

"he's so far away..." she mumbled,

"he has a thick shell..." moon frowned, "but i've never seen someone get as close to the center as you have..." he whispered.

"i wonder why that is..." she frowned.

"he's been through hell and back... a lot of people have broken his trust, used him..." he sighed.

"i'd never try to hurt him..." she whispered. "but i barely know him... it feels so new"

"there's a lot to unpack... he's probably afraid you'll leave him" moon mumbled tiredly. y/n shook her head,

"what could he have possibly done that would make me want to leave him...?" she whispered sleepily, eyes heavy and eventually, caving under her tired weight.


that night, in her slumber, y/n dreamt of something distant, something familiar. a soft rumbling- a sword- red, white, blue, yellow- she shivered. a smile creeping towards her, horns- and familiar cry. she couldn't quite place it, a swirl- eyes- the smile- growing closer- closer-

"m-!" she jolted awake. moon was asleep now, the fire soft and docile. it was still dark, snow drifting quietly from the sky. she shivered, peering towards the door-... open. snow drifted inside, cold air swirling her hair upwards. she stood up, her socks slippery against the hard wood, she clicked the door shut, locking it. she sucked in air, placing her hand over- shit. the necklace was gone. her hands drifted over her collarbones, the lack of cold emerald eminent in her hands.

"looking for this...?" a raspy voice called from behind her- she jolted around, backing into the door. it was him, quackity, sitting comfortably on the kitchen counter, and dangling the emerald outwards. he grinned, his teeth still cracked and bloody. "i knew it was you..." he seethed, hopping off the counter, a pic axe in hand. y/n shivered, her hands shaking, drifting over the door knob behind her. "you're dead..." he growled, rising the pic axe and darting closer- swinging into her head- she ducked, the crack of splintering wood rang above her as his pic hit the door. she gasped, quickly unlocking it, and turning the knob- then bolting out the door. "come back here-!" quackity hissed, ripping the pic off the door. she gulped, feet freezing in the snow as she darted between trees. the snow got deeper- as she trudged with bare legs in thigh high snow- icy wind nipped at her bare skin- tearing-chewing. she cried out for help, any help- for technoblade. quackity tackled y/n down- knocking the wind out of her chest. "gotcha!" he snarled. y/n cried out- laying in the freezing snow now- quackity raised his pic axe- a wicked grin splattered across his face. she sobbed, she didn't want to go- she wanted to fight- to fight. what would techno do? she reached back in the snow, her fingers crazing over something hard and sharp. she gripped on to it- pulling it out of the snow. she prayed the gods had sent her something good, she whipped it forward- knocking it across quackitys head. the hard log made a loud thunk across his skull- his eyes rolling back, carrying his body with him, and hitting the snow with a poof. she gasped, sighing with relief and sobbing as she dropped the log down. adrenaline pumped through her body- legs aching and skin still raw and frozen.

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