˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 19

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tw: blood, violence, injuries, brutal death

"technoblade! good to see you!" the masked man hissed, bringing his sword down onto technos shoulder. he snarled, running across the blade into the mans chest-

"dream- i thought we were decent... why the sudden change of heart?" techno snapped- cut off by dream kicking him away.

"sorry tech- nothing personal... but quackitys got a good deal for me"

"of course-" techno growled, "just know-" he rammed a fist into dreams stomach- "you've declared war, hurting my mate" he pulled his dagger out, jamming it into dreams shoulder with a grunt. dream hissed, pulling back- he drew another sword, contemplating his choices, then running into the woods. techno felt himself wanting to run after dream, to finish him off, to torture him for what he did to y/n. however, she let out a tiny gasp- drawing his attention.

"techno-" y/n choked, holding onto her aching neck. he rushed over, quickly placing a gentle hand onto her cheek. he sighed,

"y/n, i'm so sorry, my love" he whispered, "shit you're really beaten up" he whimpered, wrapping some loose cloth above her thigh. she whined at the pain- sobbing hoarsely. "shh..." he soothed, "i'm here now" he placed a gentle hand on her waist, pulling her up against his chest with a frown. she whimpered-

"techno-" she whispered, "wait" she reached a hand up to his cheek, pulling him down to face her. his face softened at her touch. she smiled, after everything, she smiled, then pulled him down closer- his nose brushing up against hers. "i almost died... and i don't know if i could come back... but when my vision started to blur, all i could think of was you" she swallowed, "i think i love, not as a friend loves a friend-" her eyes gazed into his, blown out and glistening. "but... as-" techno cut her off- interlocking his lips with hers- soft and sweet, despite the bile and sweat of fear. he placed his hands on her waist, as if to pull her impossibly closer. he hadn't felt such relief, such euphoria, in such a long time- as if he had been deprived of love for so long, but now finally finding a well in the desert. he smiled, deepening the kiss, and allowing her hands to run up his face, into his hair- and around his neck. y/n felt a sense of home, a place where she truly belonged, with him, in his arms. technos euphoria shook away, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up- he opened his eyes- dream stood from the forest, sword raised. and in a flash, the sword was thrown, and sharp twist of pain jolted through his stomach.  y/n's lips froze, falling off of his. techno pulled back, gasping.

"no..." techno mumbled, gazing down at the sword, through y/n's chest- through his stomach- holding them together. she stifled- gazing up at him- her eyes dilated and full, then falling limp on his chest, her eyes fading empty. "no-" he whispered- holding y/n closer, his well, his love. he squeezed her tight against him, heavy tears pooling and streaming down his face, the pain in his stomach aching- he squeezed tighter- hissing. his mind scattered across the possibilities- she's gone- she'll be back- just wait and she'll come back- what if she never does? the voices were quiet, still, and thinking. then, as if processing the events before them- they rampaged, screaming, violently thrashing inside him. he darted his eyes to the woods, pulling the sword, and y/n, out from his stomach- and letting them fall to the snow. he drew his axe, stepping past the blood-stained snow, and into the woods.

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