Chapter 22

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Hayes' pov
I was peacefully sleeping until I couldn't breathe and I shot awake. I heard a bang and Sky got scared I pulled her into my chest and rubbed her back, "it'll be ok." I reassured her. Then we heard it again but louder, "stay here." I told her. "No don't leave me," she pleaded. "I'll be right back I promise," I said then stood up and grabbed my metal bat out of her closet. "When did you put that there?" She questioned. "When we moved in," I said then walked to the door and herd the bang again. Sky jumped. "I'll be right back," I said then slowly opened the door and peeked my head out and saw nothing so I snuck out and closed the door. I then made my way to the stairs. Bang! I herd the noise again but it was coming from upstairs, so being me I walked up them with my bat ready to use. Bang! It was louder then it was before so I'm guessing I'm close. Bang! I Heard it louder then before coming from behind a door, I slowly opened it and saw Matt trying to stand on a basketball. "Really dude Sky thought someone was in the house, thanks for depriving me of a beautiful thing called sleep." I said. "Sorry I didn't think I was that loud." "Yeah, yeah, yeah it's ok I'm going back to Sky," I said. "Did y'all sleep together?" He asked. "Yea," I said and he said, "you got some before I did man." I was confused at first but realized he wasn't talking about sleeping together he was talking about 'sleeping together'. "Not like that Matt ya nasty," I said then walked back to Sky's room. I slowly opened the door and when it was opened I was hit, by a shoe? "Oh sorry I thought you might be the kidnapper," she said while picking up her red shoe that she threw at me. "And a shoe was going to stop them?" I questioned. "Yup," she said while popping the p. "Ok well what are we going to do today?" "I don't know, why don't we go to six flags?" She offered. "Sure but I mean how many people our here now?" "Um- 6+6+12+7+1+2 so about 35 people if we include Matt's girlfriend," Sky said while pulling out some clothes as I did the same. "Wait Matt has a girlfriend?" I questioned her. "Shit I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," she said while face palming her self. "It's ok what's her name?" I said while pulling out a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. "Ask Matt and I'm going to take a shower, you can take one in your room then we will ask everyone if they wanna go to Six flags today." She said then gave me a peck on the lips witch left a tingling sensation on them. "Ok," I said then went to my soon to be room, but I stopped in Hope's room to grab a towel first because my room has nothing in it except painted walls.

Matt's pov
I was laying on the floor of my soon to be room, when I got a text.

From; Babe😋; hey babe what you doing today? I miss you...

I sighed remembering that we haven't seen each other in 2 weeks because she is back in Virginia, but I texted her back,

To; Babe😋: I miss you too but why does it matter what I'm doing today because it's not with you😔

I got a reply about a minute later.

From; Babe😋: well it matters because maybe one of your friends *cough* Connor *cough* got me a plane ticket to come live with you all because I missed you so much and he told me that he over herd us on the phone and he then DM'd me his number on Twitter

To; Babe😋: ok that's a little weird and how did he get you Twitter name?

From; : Babe😋I don't know maybe because Sky told him?

To;Babe😋 : how do you know Sky?

From;Babe😋 : she DM'd me on Twitter

To; Babe😋: ohhhhhhhhhhh

From; Babe😋: yea, she wanted my number but I told her to ask you for it... and she said she's gonna ask you so.... she's probably gonna do that now

To;Babe😋 : ok I'll text you when I give it to her ☺️

Then as if on que Sky came into my room. "Ever herd of knocking," I said with a little bit of sass. "Yea I've herd of it I just don't do it," she said while flipping her curly hair. "I like your hair but did you cut it?" I asked. "Ugh no I didn't I just hate it curly so I always straiten it," she said a little frustrated. She then closed the door and came to sit by me. "So you remember when you told me not to tell anyone about Alexis?" She asked. "Yes," I replied. "Well.... Ikindaletitslipouttohayesbutididnttellhimanythingaboutherbecauseitoldhimtoaskyou," she said in one breath. "English please?" I said while laughing. "I kinda let it slip out to hayes but I didn't tell him anything about her because I told him to ask you," she said audible this time. "Sky why did you do that?" I whined. "Because we were talking about going to Six flags with everyone and I thought we should include her too," she said. "Oh yea I also wanted to know if I could have her number." She said while handing me her phone. I typed it in and gave it back. "Let me text her and tell her first though," I said then texted Lex.

To;Babe😋: I just gave it to her, when are you coming?

From;Babe😋: I can't tell you it's a surprise 😏

To;Babe😋: ok well ttyl because imam go get food.

From;Babe😋: lol ok bye Matty

I then grabbed a tie die t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans, and I hopped in the shower, then dried off and put on the clothes I picked out earlier and put my hair into a quiff and then placed a blue SnapBack on top. I then slipped on my black vans and walked out of my room with my phone and wallet in my back pocket.

Connor's pov
I was sitting on the couch in the living room when my phone rang, when I looked at the ID I knew I needed to answer it
(Alexis=A Connor=C)
C. Hey
A. Hey my plane just landed
C. Ok I'll send Shawn to come get you
A. Ok and I hope it's ok but I brought my friend with
C. Yea that's fine we have the room
A. Ok see you then
C. Ok bye
A. Bye

Alexis' pov
"He said yes," i told one of my best friends, Julia. "good because im already here," she said whioe grabbing tje last of our in total 10 bags. "I'll go grab a dolly," I told Julia anf she nodded. then i went and got two dollys and brought them back to where Julia was impatiently witing for me. "What took you so long??" Julia whined when i approached her. "Oh yeah and Shawn's picking us up," I said remembering that she has a major crush on him. Her face turned red, "shut up," she said while helping me put our bags on the dolly.

Fact; I went home sick today

Hey guys I feel like crap but I'll still try to make a chapter for Sunday but if not then you will get an extra chapter someday next week anyway love you ~✌️✌️Jenn

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