"𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫" 𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒖 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊

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You stared at his tall figure and those pretty rosey hair.
His name is Tendou Satori, he doesn't have that much friends except for the volleyball team.
It's rumored that he have trust issues and was bullied back in middle school.
They called him a monster.

"I don't really get why they hate him so much, he's one of the best players" you thought.

The teacher came in*

"Okay class I want you to write a letter for a specific person, but you're not allowed to tell anyone who you'll write for, also it doesn't have to be a love letter it can be a motivating one. That's all now let's proceed to..."

You couldn't hear anything after hearing what the teacher said.
You thought about writing him a letter since you knew that no one would give him one.

*After class*

"So who are you writing for?" your friend asked.
"I don't know, I'm not really sure I should write for him" you said while looking at Tendou.
"Who? Tendou?"
You simply nodded.

"Go on, we'll graduate soon so this is your chance, you like him right?"
"I do, since our first year. But I'm too nervous to confess."
She then smacked you playfully, "if you don't confess soon, you'll end up regretting it."
And then ran out the gate not waiting for you.

At your house*

You were practicing and thinking what to write since tomorrow is the day you have to give him the letter.

"This is impossible, what the heck am I gonna write here? Hello I i like you please like me back?" "I feel stupidddd" you said while redoing it for the 20th time.

"Oh! I know"

You proceeded to write your emotions out on a piece of paper.

*The next day*

"Okay everyone please pass your letters in the front. I will call you one by one and give you the letter that was written for you" The teacher spoke happily. "And also you're only allowed to read them after class"

You felt nervous and your hands were shaking.
"It's alright." you felt warm hands on your cold ones, it was your best friend. You gave her a slight nod and held her hand tightly.

"Okay Y/N", you stood up and took yours. "

*A few minutes later*

"Tendou Satori"
"What? Who gave him one?"
"Lol it's probably a prank note"
You heard whispers and giggles from the other students.
He stood up and grabbed the letter.

"Since everyone has theirs, class is dismissed"

You packed your things while still holding the letter that you recieved.

You kept your eyes on Tendou to see if he reads it. He didn't.

You were at the gate without your friend since she has club, someone suddenly pulled you.

"Hey what the-"

"It's me hehe" You looked up and saw him. You felt your cheeks glow read.
"U-um do you need something?" You asked nervously.
"I think you're the one that needs something from me"
"Shit shit shit shit" you thought dying inside, and nervous af.

"Come with me" He said, taking your hand dragging you behind the school was a bench under a tree.

"What are we doing here? you asked.
"For privacy" he replied.
"So you already read my letter for you huh?" you asked him smiling nervously.
"What?" he said completely confused
"What do you mean what? You read it didn't you, that's why you dragged me here?"

He just chuckled and said "Open yours and I'll open mine"
You opened yours at the same time and oh boy,
he did write for you.
Before you could read it he took it from your hand and gave you the letter you wrote for him.
"Hey give me that!" "No let's read it outloud for each other, I'll go first since you're so flustered." he replied giggling.

"Dear Y/N,

     I've always admired you from a far, I loved seeing you laugh and have fun. I know you'll never notice me, but I hope you take care of yourself for me. To me you're the prettiest art I've ever encoutered, by the way you smile and the way your mind works, your overflowing kindness tops it all off. So I want you to know that I'll adore you over and over again til' the very end.

                                 - Satori."

"That's it" he said blushing.
You sat there dumbfounded, "It's my turn"

"Dear Satori,

        I never knew what this feeling     was, I felt it from the very beginning until now. My heart beats so fast around you. My brain stops working and my words gets trapped inside my mouth. Your hair reminded me of a beautiful rose, a unique one because you have no thorns.
Everyone may look at you differently but to my eyes you're perfectly pretty. Let me love you, I want to change the way they look       at you, from a loveless monster into a beautiful flower.

                      - Y/N"

Thank you for reading ~ ♡︎

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